one hundred twenty three (final)

Magsimula sa umpisa

That's when he saw the little light night poke out from the door of the kids' room.

They always shut the door to the kids' room.

Taehyung slowly opened the door, peaking in.

She was humming a soft little tune while she sat in the rocking chair. There she held a sniffling Junsu, her fingers brushing his light curls back. Taehyung walked in, seeing Mina passed out in her crib, limbs sprawled everywhere, causing him to smile.

"You alright Babe?" Taehyung kneeled beside Becca, kissing her cheek on his way down.

Rebecca stopped humming, but didn't stop rocking or brushing.

"I think he got my nightmares."

Both sides of the couple looked down at their son, his face still damp with tears.


"This is the fourth time this week and it's Tuesday." Rebecca locked eyes with Taehyung. "I don't want him to have to go through what I went through as a child."

Taehyung stayed silent, watching his son's chest rise and fall with his tiny breaths.

"He'll be okay." Taehyung smiled at Becca reassuringly. "He's our little fighter, remember?" Taehyung kissed his two fingers and touched them softly on Junsu's head. "And he has the best Momma in the world to help him."

)junsu does grow up with nightmares, but like tae said, he had his mom every step of the way. that's one of the big reasons that made them so close(


i hope you all have noticed a particular reader, bitchHobi

i hope you have also noticed her strong hatred towards taehyung in the comment section of almost every chapter.

so, to thank her for her support (because i'm pretty sure she is responsible for more than half of the comments on this fic) and because she's been begging me,

i'm going to write this next imagine just for her.

Sophie licked her lips and rubbed her hands together while she stalked Taehyung. He was outside, watering the plants like a normal adult, MINDING HIS BUSINESS AND NOT HURTING BECCA IN ANY WAY AND NOT PISSING ANYONE OFF BUT SOMEONE- i'll stop

Becca was inside, with the kids, Sophie made sure.

This was Sophie's moment.

"COME HERE DICKWAD!" Sophie screamed and tackled Taehyung, the watercan clattering to the ground, Taehyung grunting once he and Sophie hit the grass.


"SHUT UP!" She punched him across the face and promptly ran back to the car, Hoseok staring out the window, his eyes wide and hand over his mouth, Jungkook laughing his ass off in the back seat, Jin standing up on the middle console through the roof window, recording the whole thing, his face the same as Hoseok.

No one knew what Sophie was gonna do, neither did they expect her to punch KIM TAEHYUNG.

"SOPHIE!" Rebecca ran out the front door, helping Taehyung stand up as he held his nose. "SOPHIE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"

Mina and Junsu ran outside dancing and stomping in the water puddle the watercan had left, laughing and giggling.




you're welcome soph -_-


this is the end of Sincerely R

broskis, this is making me cry. i absolutely loved this book with every ounce of me and i regret nothing written in it. i wrote it how i wanted and everyone loved it.

thank you all for the tremendous amount of support.

i never imagined this book reaching 6k, but wow it feels good.

if you know me from blogger, and maybe some of the other fics i've written, you'll know my name is Rebecca, or Becca, or Bex as my friends call me.

So, yes,

the fic rebecca, is based off me

the beginning of the book, the letters, those are my actual feelings. the talks about depression and anxiety, those are what i feel,

now, some scenes are for the book,, my sister isn't dead, my brother isn't an alcoholic, and those things.

i don't have my own dogs .. but i am looking at being a vet.

so please, take this book's serious talk, seriously

i write this so people can learn, not to make fun of and stuff

i wrote this book specifically, to cope.

and it has helped more than i could ever imagine.

and most of that coping came from you guys. all of your votes, comments, everything, it made such an impact.

and i thank you.

i thank bts, and i thank your support,

for you guys all make everything worth it.

i'm writing the poly book now, 'freckles' and i can tell it'll be amazing and i hope you look forward to it and check it out.

there's so much more content to come, but this book's content is coming to an end.

i'm happy with this fic. i feel as if i've written everything needed and everything i wanted to

thank you all , so much for the best four months of writing

i love you my lovelies <3

• • •

it's going to be like the girl rights letters to bts. the first chaps are just letters. and then it goes to a response one of the boys write but never send. then it goes to actions and how bts is trying to find this girl discretely. the boys all fall in love with her in their own way. the girl sends individual letters. and then they finally meet and she's as perfect as each member imagined. they're instantly close and everyone does everything together. and then each member tries to win her heart

^the original draft

sincerely, rTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon