050. San Fran and Secrets

Start from the beginning

"So wait, you're telling me, Gemini. A none super soldier, none assassin. Just a normal spitfire girl, kicked your ass and pinned you to a mat?" Pietro asked, slightly intimidated by the woman. Bucky nodded. "And you didn't throw it?"

"Does it look like he threw it Pietro?" Natasha asked on Gemini's behalf pointing to the varying cuts from blow she had taken with the metal arm. Pietro stepped very far back away from Gemini. The fear set in his eyes. "Pietro she won't fight you unless you provoke her."

"Why did you just compare me to a guard dog?" Gemini immediately fired her query to her making Nat shrug and walk away from her. Gemini shook it off grabbing her bottle from Bucky's hand, kissing his cheek as she passed him. 

Closing her door, she began removing her sports gear. The training had definitely let her diffuse some much needed steam she wanted to release. Last night at The Raven, with it being Joe's day off, she was left to cope with Candy alone. She had nearly throat punched her when she saw the Latina shoulder barge passed Taury. 

Just thinking about it made Gemini's blood boil. She still couldn't understand why Nate hadn't fired her for multiple reasons. He didn't even like her, he merely tolerated her and her spoiled brat Nero. 

She had just removed her shirt when she heard Bucky's little knock on the door. She hummed allowing him to come in. His eyes fell on Gemini's bare chest. The bruises on her skin from training had already begun forming. He apologised for those promising to make it up to her.

He walked up to her, kissing her neck. "Well this is a nice sight to see in the morning after a train." He whispered suggestively.

She went along with it, turning to face him fully. "I'm about to get a shower. Come join me." She ran her hand down his skin tight shirt.

Bucky became all flustered in that moment. Clearing his throat. "What?"

"Come. Join. Me." She replied, removing a piece of lower body clothing after each word. She walked over to her bathroom, stopping at the door to see Bucky removing his shirt and pants.

"I'll be there in a minute." He informed her as she disappeared into the bathroom and under the running water of the shower


Gemini laughed at something Wanda had said as she insulted her brother. She was now sat in the living room playing Mario Kart with the twins and Rhodey.

Gemini picked up a blue shell deciding to aggravate Pietro even more by throwing it in his direction and hitting him.

"Gemini!" He yelled loudly, almost reaching the urge to rage quit. "You ass!" He cursed her.

She laughed as she over took him, laughing as she overtook him. He'd now started swearing at her Russian, glad that Natasha had taught her enough to understand the sheer anger he felt.

Wanda overtook Gemini making her laugh as Pietro seethed more. Rhodey seemed to have given up, not caring at this point if he won or lost. Wanda ultimately ended up winning, having her begin cheering loudly as Pietro kept cursing.

Gemini laughed, getting up to get herself some apple juice. Bucky walked in with a phone in hand. It was none stop buzzing in his hand.

"Gem, doll your phone keeps buzzing." He told her, holding it out to her. She didn't notice cause her back was to him though.

"Who is it?" She asked him.

He looked to the ID. "Some guy, Dave." The hint of jealousy in his voice made Gemini chuckle.

"He's my cousin, bub. What does he want?" She explained, following with the question. 

Shrugging he handed the phone to her. "No clue, here."

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