028. Bar Night and Problems

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GEMINI GROANED LOUDLY as she closed the door to The Raven. The cold outside was enough to piss her and Dixon off severely. She removed her coat, adding it to the small rack when she entered the back of the bar. She noticed her older brother with a clipboard in his hand as he counted the stocks.

Theo climbed out of the cellar with a crate of whisky below a crate of gin shortly followed by Joe who was rolling his eyes in annoyance at probably something Theo had said. Gemini shook her head, catching the pairs attention.

"What happened?"

Joe rolled his eyes groaning. "Ask him, he's an idiot." Gemini shrugged before looking to Theo.

"I was talking about the army and how difficult it is to get in. I don't even know how I got in the army, I don't remember my own name half the time." Gemini snorted at the explanation.

Joe groaned again earning a laugh from Gemini when he head butted the wall. "Oh my fucking God, Theo. How do you forget your own name?" Theo shrugged before walking out to the bar. "Fuck me." 

Gemini shook her head as he looked up. "No thanks." He shot her a warning glare. She held her hands up. "Sorry. Where's Candy?" She moved on from the previous subject.

Joe shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. Hey, Nate." He caught the only Braddock son's attention. "Where's Candy?"

Nate snapped his fingers. "Nero's sick and Candy's abuelita's can't look after him cause she's away in Colombia, visiting their family or something like that." Gemini rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Just get a sitter or do what Joe does, let Becky stay upstairs. She watches films and eats her dinner before falling asleep on the couch. It's no excuse, it's gonna be rammed tonight and Taury's not in already: she's ill and then we know we can't trust Theo with certain alcohol after last time. She should do it at least a week in advance." She ended her rant. The two men knew how much the girl disliked Candy, Gemini didn't trust her, she always acted weird around the family and Gemini always saw her giving Taury sly glances from afar. Everyone who worked or visited The Raven knew 'You mess with Taury or Joe, you mess with Gemini too.' As it were the same with Theo and Nate.

Gemini brushed off the feeling of annoyance as she went to go help Theo put the bottles away.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket just as she handed another bottle to Theo. Turning on the screen, the text made her smile. 

'Everyone's coming to the bar tonight, Tony wants to see if we can win Quiz Night. - Buck x    Delivered: 5:45'

Gemini laughed slightly before quickly messaging back.

'See you soon. I'll explain why it's Quiz and not Karaoke when you get here. - Gem xx         Delivered: 5:45'

Turning the phone off, Gemini shoved it in her jean pocket as she finished readying the bar for the night of chaos that was Quiz Night. 

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