He ran all the way from 32nd Street to 20th street, then finally halting for his breath he chose a dark and shadowy space between two buildings and went in. He gasped for breath and sat down on the ground. He had no water, thirsty and parched he closed his mouth and tried to gulp down his own saliva. Little as it helped, he satisfied himself with it. He wiped his head and face with the back of his hand and closed his eyes for a minute, this was a lot to take in. 

After about 2 minutes had passed, he still sat on the dirty garbage gully. He reached his pockets with his hands and removed the money, neatly rolled with a rubber band; Red in colour. He counted the money, $90. He had to give only 20 to Robb. Rest of the 70 would be his own comission. He rolled the notes again and stuffed them back into his pockets and touched his left eye, it pained. There were also bruises on his arms and a jab into his ribs had given a reddish blue stain to his body. He had fight, with Joe. Joe was a big time bully, however Tommy never feared him but today he had crossed Joe. During the Physics lecture, as Madam Malkova taught them about Motion on a Plane. He had written on his desk,

' You know you are as ugly as Gwen's snotty nose

Gwen was Joe's girlfriend, who had all sorts of nasal problems. During winter she would have cold, during summer it was Hay Fever. So, she always had a mucus filled nose. Joe had looked around and during lunch break asked his loyal dogs; Friends, to look around. Some nerd had seen Tommy writing on his desk and tattled upon him. During the sports period, Joe had caught hold of Tommy in the lockers and shown him his one-two. In return Tommy had slipped the teachers chair before Joe when he came through the door, Joe had tripped down as fell in his face but as Joe was a bulky fellow the chair's leg was broken. 

Now, Tommy smiled. He had said to Robb that he will pay him $20 to tell to the teacher that Tommy was called in sick by his cousin. Remembering this he got up and began to go when he noticed the garbage tins. Neatly stacked above everything was again, the Toy box.

Tommy staggered back, wasn't the box at the Junk Man's shop? How can it be here?. He looked at the box, somehow he felt that he should go near it, touch it, feel it, open it. Without even thinking, he began moving towards box. It was beautiful, without even a scratch. The box looked like, 

' A King's Treasure Box. ' came a voice inside Tommy's head, he sat down now. It had been his mother's voice. For about after 10 years the voice came into his mind. But now, Tommy was getting scared. 

' All of this, it is coming so quick.' He thought, as he began to look inside himself, he had never done that, never thought what was good for him or his body or mind. He never paid attention towards himself, because he didn't need to he had thought earlier. But now, something made him dwell inside himself,  something about his past. As his mind raced and did circles inside that skull, he grabbed it and shook it, looking back at box again he was now really scared because the box had begun to glow once again. 

Picking up himself he dashed out to street and ran back towards the 15th street, his home where only he and Margret lived. It was evident, Both of Tommy's parents were dead. But that hardly did mattered now, as Tommy's heart pounded in his ears. He came towards Margret's house, taking out the spare key he clicked open the door.

Tommy rushed inside and went straight towards his room, shutting the door behind him, he fell onto his bed. 

' It glowed! It Glowed! ' He thought, 

He changed his clothes quickly and washed up. 

" It was probably the heat. Or else which box glows? Haven't heard of any?" he muttered to himself. He fell on his bed when a sudden thought came to him,

Deadly Silence: A Horror AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now