🌫️ | 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨

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Don't even ask about the title
some quick chapter
modern au
this like during quarantine bc
that's all I think of :')

🌻 Emma Woods 🌱

≫ ──── ≪ • ◦ ❈ ◦ • ≫ ──── ≪

It was a late Saturday night, 9:54 pm to be exact, the rain pouring harder by the minute. The sound raindrops tapping on your window was accompanied by your harsh and rapid writing. It almost sounded weirdly calming but it wasn't enough to help you calm your nerves as you try and figure out how the hell do you write a good essay.

And it needs to be in 1000 words!

not only that but you had an assignment in math too which makes you even more stressed about finishing it because you also don't know how the hell does you answer it.

I mean sure-

You did zone out for like half a minute only to come back to your senses seeing random numbers on your screen that almost made you peed yourself knowing how fucked you're gonna be when the math quiz comes soon in a week.

And yeah sure

You didn't really listen that much during the discussion but, God, how you wished you could go back in time and slapped the hell out of yourself for not listening.

It's only two weeks in online school and you've already had 8 assignments due tomorrow!

Slumping and groaning in your chair dropping the pen and reading the half-assed essay you wrote was enough to make you cringe on how terrible it is.

crumbling up the paper and throwing it on the floor with the other failed essays, making a mental note to throw them away later, you cracked your knuckles and begun writing it again feeling more determined to do it and also because you were tired now.

while writing you didn't notice the giggling female who has entered your room. slowly and quietly creeping out behind you, one hand on her lips to cover the smile and giggles while the other hand was holding a tray full of different shaped cookies with cute designs on them.

so focused on the essay she goes closer and closer until...

"Y'know I can hear you, Emma." You sigh and put your pen down, turning around to face the cheerful brunette who now is pouting because of her failed attempt of "scaring" you.

"What do you want? I'm busy right now." You said in a slightly harsh tone but feeling a bit guilty since you didn't mean to.

Emma shifted in her place and did a closed-eyes smile "Oh yeah I know but you haven't eaten anything all day so I made some cookies if ever you are hungry!" Going next to you and placing the plate near the paper your essay was on she looked back at you again and with that bright smile still on her face.

"Please don't overwork yourself with these! I know I'm not the smartest but if you need help I'm always here y' know." grabbing your hand and giving it a small squeeze.

You look back at the clock on your wall then looking back at your half-written essay.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a small break..?

Deciding on that thought You stood up with a lazy smile, grabbing the plate and dragging Emma out to the living room. 'W-wait! Aren't you supposed to finish those!?" she shrieked as you jogged down the stairs.

"A little break won't hurt besides we haven't hung out in a while so why not?" entering the living room you set down the plate of cookies on the table and gently pushed Emma on the couch.

"Now stay~ I'll go get some more snacks." Emma nodded and went to pick out something to watch while you went into the kitchen, searching through the fridge or cupboards for food.

Some chip bags and a granola bar in you placed it onto the glass table and flopped on the couch next to Emma. "So, what're we gonna watch?" You ask while opened the granola bar, already being hungry before the movie even started.

"Ohh~ well we haven't watched this movie and it's new too!" she said, voice filled with enthusiasm.

"It's a rom-com!" ( ╹▽╹ )

of course, it was a rom-com she always chooses those types of movies (-_-;)

"Ehhh but this will be like all the other rom-com's though!" You exclaimed your voice a hint of playfulness too.

"C'mon pretty pleaseeeeee I promise next time you'll choose!" She said going closer to you with those puppy eyes that you melt and given to when she does that. Pushing her to make some distance, your cheeks burned slightly red.

"T-that's not fair! You know how I feel when you do that!!" Covering half your face as her own face goes closer to yours, she giggles mischievously.

"C'mon [Y/n] pleaseeeee I promise next time we'll get to choose whatever you want I just wanna watch thiss" 

Ok, now she was really making your heart go boom boom Doki Doki shit.

"Ok Ok, fine we can watch this! just stop jeez" You sigh shaking your head but a small smile on your face when you saw Emma doing a little cheer of victory. You laid on the couch, Emma starts the movie and laid her head on your shoulder as she sighs merrily and you both snuggled in each others' warmth.

About 30 minutes in the movie you felt your eyes drooping from time to time. Sleep was on your mind, You wanted to sleep so badly but the essay-and the deadline tomorrow you needed to finish it or else-

"[Y/n] If you wanna sleep you can. I'll wake you up early tomorrow so you can continue it." Emma looks up at you, her smile full of warmth. (if your shorter or the same height as her just change that ^^;)


"No buts you need rest woman!" She grips your shoulder and gently laid you down on her lap, Her hand placed on your forehead slowly rubbing it but a simple move like that made you even more sleepy. "Ok then...goo...d..nig....." And soon after that, you went to sleep. Emma smiles at your sleeping form and leaned down to kiss your forehead and saying a quiet 'goodnight'.

She closes the Tv and went back to sleep with you.

There, in a cold hush room laid a couple asleep on their couch. The harsh rain covered the snores and sighs of the two sleeping college students.
Both hugging each other as if the other one would disappear the moment they wake up. Just a peaceful night for two cute lesbians. Nice.

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hi im back have this random one shot while I make the 10927382 other fucking assignments I have 3 weeks into school

Edit: I realized I had 3k+ reads and 70+ votes on this book TYSM  IT MEANS A LOT IM JIST GLAD PEOPLE LIKES MY CRAPPY WRITING I LOVE Y'ALL TYTYTYTY🥺💓💞💖💞💝

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