Set Fire To The Rain

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 Watch it burn as I touched your face

"What can you do my effeminate fellow?"

"I can suck your dick."


I spun my radio staff around my hand and began rocking on my heels. The second day of my stay had begun, and it is already phenomenal.

Just fresh today, I fixed up the hotel to my criteria, of course. However, per to the Vagatha's request, I left one floor unkept. It was Angel Dust's, and Angel Dust's alone, to clean it. I suppose a punishment was in order after yesterday's little stunt.

Promptly ignoring Husker's groan, I rested on his bar's stool. He started fixing me a drink as he already recognizes what I prefer.

With liquor in hand, I decided to check in on our spider patron. Of course, I had my shadows observing him. I peered through one of my shadow's eyes, just in time to see Angel trip over a floorboard and faceplant on the ground.

I chuckle lightly to myself as Husker eyes me down. He can't see what I am watching at, of course, or else I'm sure he would be grinning himself. That is one of the many things we shared in common; we relished in seeing others get injured.

Unfortunately, my "picture show" was cut short by a figure bursting through the entrance. I rose and began marching over until Charlie skipped past me.

"Oh! It's you! Welcome to the Happy Hotel!" Charlie shook the hand of the stranger. I approached the newcomer only to find that same peculiar snake I took care of yesterday. He still seemed pretty banged up from the ordeal.

"Hello! I am Sir Pentious! I am afraid I didn't properly introduce myself yesterday," he spoke with way too much dignity and pride.

"I am Charlie, the owner of this fine establishment! This is Alastor, he is... the co-owner?" Charlie gestured to me. I simply grinned and nodded, was never a big fan of interactive television.

Charlie resumed, "Well, are you interested in checking in?"

"Why, yes, I am! My previous home was...damaged. So I could use a place to stay!"

"Great! Follow me then!" Charlie guides him to the front desk. She arranged a pen and paper in front of him to fill out. I had learned earlier that this was the "Happy Hotel Happy Quiz!" as she named it. It was a way to gauge what a demon needed guidance on, she even attempted to get me to take it, subtly isn't her strong suit.

I examined as Sir Pentious filled out the form and returned it to Charlie. She fetched out her answer key and began evaluating the exam.

Before I could see the conclusion, however, I overheard the elevator ding. I rotated my head to see who it was, not surprised to find Angel Dust come tumbling out.

His fur was now gray from grime and he looked exhausted, how entertaining. "Third floor is done," he announced coughing into one of his many sleeves.

"Your about to clean the lobby too with how much dust you're dragging in," Vagatha remarked.

"Be nice, darling," Charlie glanced up from her work, "Alastor if you don't mind, can you go see if Angel had done a proper job."

I tapped my chin for a moment, "Sure thing!" I walked to the elevator and motioned for Angel to follow.

Once the elevator doors locked, I heard Angel turn to me, "So, pretty boy-"


"Jeez, okay. Okay." Angel huffed as I rolled my eyes.

The doors cleared and I stepped out, Angel following close behind. I will admit, the floor seemed relatively tidy. Of course, there was the occasional tore in the wallpaper, floor, or ceiling, but that was my responsibility to fix, not Angel's.

"You see, all clean!" Angel flailed his arms around the hallway as if I didn't have eyes to see myself.

"Not quite! You missed a spot!" I motioned to a neat pile of dust on the floor.

"You put that there," Angel scoffed.

I put that there. "I did no such thing!"

"You piece of shit."

"I am not a piece of fecal matter! That's a piece of fecal matter," I gestured to a pile of shit that I also put there.

Angel let out a groan and began wiping it up, knowing there was nothing he could do.

Once he finished, I approved his work and began trudging back to the elevator, Angel hot on my heels. When I got to the lift, Angel tried to enter before I halted him. "Not so fast! You take the stairs!"


"No buts. Stairs." I gave an innocent smile and wave as the doors closed. I heard a loud groan and some mumbling from the other side of the door as I began my descent.

I hopped out of the elevator, only to hear the most exquisite song I had ever heard! Terrified shrieks!

Angel must have run, or fell, down those stairs because he came shortly after I did. Charlie was the one who was yelling. From what I can gather, Sir Pentious tried to produce a robot of some sort, only for it to catch the entire lobby on fire.

Vagatha came sprinting in carrying a jumble of fire extinguishers. She began chucking them at everybody in the hall. She tossed one to me, but it just bonked me right in the head and collapsed to my feet.

I began laughing hysterically as everyone was scrambling to stop the blaze. This may have been my second day at the hotel. However, I already knew this was going to be very, very, entertaining.

Unfiltered Passion (A RadioDust Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora