The Interrogation

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Gray was tied up in a chair in a small, plain room. The only other things in it were the chair where an ACME agent sat, waiting to question him, and a pen that displayed the infamous hologram herself. Everything had already been explained to him, he just hadn't had a full official interrogation until now.

Chief introduced the ACME agent as Agent Argent, which for some reason he swore had a very vague memory of. Then, Chief started getting down to business.

"Describe the last meeting you had with Carmen Sandiego, do NOT leave any details out. Every bit of information is crucial to us." Chief said sternly.

  Every detail? Well he could make some use out of that. "Well, it was a Friday evening when Carmen finally had a cuppa with me. I ordered a latte as usual. Extra cream, less sugar, like always. Before she showed up I was reading—" Gray said stalling.

Chief interrupted with "Could you please move on to when she actually arrives? I haven't got all day, Mr. Graham."

"Of course. So the Ol' Red Sneakeroo shows up, and I am once again completely blown away by her. Wearing this casual red hoodie and black leggings, with—"

"You don't need to describe how she looks—we saw that, I just want to know what you talked about." Chief says, but that doesn't stop Gray.

"-with her lovely hair pulled into a bun on her head. She looked kinda suspicious, not gonna lie, and I wasn't sure if I trusted her completely after she lied about the whole mission thing and that strange organization."

Julia was writing everything down while he talked, she was still writing even when he was just describing how great Carmen looked, which he thought was a bit weird since Chief really seemed to not care.

"But there was something intriguing about that, like even though I couldn't completely trust her, I definitely still wanted to know her better. Ya know?" Gray asked, looking around.

Chief didn't respond, but Julia piped up with "I understand what you mean. It's hard to just ignore your curiosity, because you know there's a lot more to her than what meets the eye. —That there's more to her than what people have seen and assumed."

Chief flashed her a look, "I think that was a rhetorical question, Agent. Though it's important to look past our assumptions, we can't ignore cold hard facts." She said harshly.

Julia mumbled a "Yes, of course, Chief", before going back to her digital notepad.

"Anyways," Gray continued. "I really had to ask her the big question, was she a spy? Because it really seemed that way to me. But she just calmly replied has some service that was secret, so kinda, but not exactly. She also assured me that we on the good side, which was a relief, didn't want to get caught by government for conspiring with and aiding foreign services. Actually I'm not sure about that, she does a bunch of illegal stuff still."

"I can assure Mr. Graham, that you're not going to be arrested by local police for hanging out with that thief, but that did land you here, so maybe that wasn't the smartest decision you made"

"Hey, don't blame me. I'm just a guy with amnesia that got asked by a pretty girl to help some children's charity. I didn't know any of this." Gray said in defence, since Chief kept trying to blame him for his situation, even though she was the reason why he was tied up. He looked over to Agent Argent, "I mean wouldn't you do the same, mate?"

Julia was a bit startled that he was asking her for real this time, but still spoke up. "Well, um I don't have amnesia so I wouldn't know about that, but if there was a pretty girl, and maybe perhaps if she was Carmen Sandiego asking me to help her in raising money for a children's charity—and if I knew that maybe afterwards we could have a d— a coffee together, I would probably say yes." Julia hoped that by saying this all really quickly and by making really unclear, Chief wouldn't understand what she meant.

Chief just raised an eyebrow at her, while Julia wished she could hide behind her notepad and preferably die as well. Sadly she couldn't as Gray pointed a finger at her said "See! Even your own agent agrees!"

Chief was about to turn on her, but stopped when she saw Gray's finger. "Wait, how did you manage to get your arm out?"

"Uh I'm not really sure, mate. I feel like I've done this many times before, though"

"You knows what, this is getting ridiculous." Chief said pressing her fingers to her forehead. "Agent Zari, please bring in security to secure Mr. Graham's bonds, and another notetaker for the rest of the interrogation!" She yelled to the door.

Agent Zari walked in with two agents, to make sure that Gray couldn't get out so easily this time. "Chief," she said."Agent Devineaux is volunteering to help with the interrogation, he's keeps shouting something about 'l'homme bleu'. Should I send him in?"

"Absolutely not." Cheif said shaking her head. "Send in Agent Roxanne instead."

"Yes, Chief" Agent Zari said before turning to leave.

"Take Agent Argent with you. And give her a talk, she seems way too fond of our biggest enemy."

Zari nodded and left with Julia. Chief turned away and put her fingers to her temples. First, she already had to deal with that amnesia boy gush about Carmen Sandiego for two hours and not give any information, and now one of her finest agents was crushing on the girl at the top of ACME's Most Wanted List. Could her day get any worse? She felt like she was going to have a headache soon.
Then Devineaux burst into the room.
The headache has arrived.


Word Count: 993

Author's Note: Hellooooooo, long time, no see, since I made a one-shot. It's really short compared to my others but I don't mind too much since it got me back into writing. This was based off this little idea/joke my sister and I made up that was about how if Gray and Julia met, then they'd probably just gush about how amazing Carmen was together. I just added a bit more story to it, but I still hope it was some-what humorous. I just wanted to make this really quick before season 3 come out. I'm so excited!

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