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(??) "@@@@@!"

Muffled voices come all around me followed by footsteps which seemed to rush over to my direction. I try to open my eyelids even for just a little with the little strength I have.

(??) "@@@?"

I feel my body being lifted up slightly and more voices coming from all around. I try open my mouth and say anything but my body didn't have enough strength to pull anything out.... Then I feel a gentle touch on my eyelids lifting them up slightly. I began to see sparkling lights all in the sky filled with shooting stars. I look upon the one who opened my eyelids and see a boy with brown hair with one spike shooting up above the others. His blue eyes sparkled in the night sky He had a black short sleeve shirt on with red straps making an x across his body. He wear baggy beige pants that went all the way down to his feet. It seemed like his belt had some kind of golden heart on it. The most important thing I noticed was his armor plate across his shoulder. It had a gold tint all around combined with black. He looked buff maybe too buff for his age... A young girl comes besides him. She has short blue hair with beautiful blue eyes as well. She has a blue shirt the wraps around her neck and a purple band that makes an x across her body as well. In the middle it had the same heart the boy had on his belt but instead of gold it was grey. She had white clothes/sleeves going down both of her arms with silver strips of armor with a gold circle on the top part. She had shorts that reached mid thigh and blue/purple and white strips of cloth around her waist flowing down past her thighs. She had mid thigh socks I guess and her boots were the thing that I noticed the most. The were silver with two little looking like wings sticking out on opposite sides of the shoes. The last I lay my eyes upon is a young boy who has a tinted brown hair. His eyes were the same color as the other two. His shirt has half black and half white with a red color and a zipper in the middle. There were two black straps that made an x in the middle of his shirt and like the girl it was silver. It seemed to look like there was a little bit of armor under his jacket. His pants were a darker shade of brown and grey then became lighter towards the bottom. On the same arm as the older boy there was a piece of grayish armor going only halfway across his arm.

(1??) "Hey are you okay? Do you have any injuries?? Can you talk?"

(2??) "Terra stop. As you can see she's not okay she just came down from like a star. I bet hitting the ground that hard really made her weak. Even though I healed her that's really all I can do for now. We need to get her inside so Master Eraqus can examine her and tend to her injuries."

(3??) "She really fell from the sky! She's basically like a shooting star. What if this was a wish come true. She could be from another world or maybe another universe!"

I look towards the boy who was filled with curiosity and gave him a slight grin. Even though I could possibly be dying right now he still fills with wonder. I think I'll be alright though since the girl said she healed me... I look back at the boy who was holding me and tilt my head on his chest letting my eyes close shut. I just want to sleep that's all....




(IT) "Princess its time to wake up.."

I gasp for breath and reach forward hearing "IT" voice. I look around quickly trying to search for her in every inch of the room. I realize that I wasn't out on the field with the stars. I was in a room with a bed and a nightstand with windows as big as they could reach, with curtains flowing peacefully with the breeze. The room seemed peaceful and calm with the brown/goldish tint to the walls. The ceiling had stars that seemed to have been painted on there and were slowly starting to scratch off meaning they were painted a while back. I look down to see that I have a white dress going all the way down to my knees and bandages around my legs and my arms that were barely staying on. I look to the left where the door was to exit the room to see a familiar face shocked to what just happened. It was the younger boy who was outside with the other boy and girl. I look dead straight at him not giving any expression. He straightens himself up and tries to give me a straight look but I could see him starting to sweat a little.

.May My Heart Be My Guiding Key. A kingdom Hearts X Reader (more added)Where stories live. Discover now