16. How can I say

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"Why are you telling me this?" Jisung panicked he might have sounded rude so with little logic left in his overwhelmed mind he quickly added: "I mean... It's not really my business who you are with and what you do with them so you don't need to explain yourself." and continued less hurriedly yet with great effort.

"I- I was just shocked. I didn't mean to pry on your privacy but I found Dori outside and I was scared something bad happened to you." an awkward smile followed his cover-up, eyes trying to make eye-contact with the older to create an illusion of confidence.

Minho's hazel orbs widened; shock flashing through them but he quickly collected himself; only a sting of hurt left in his chest.

"Oh... yeah. You are right. I just wanted to apologize for the morning and probably needed someone to confide in." he spoke softly ending it with a quiet laugh, his eyes met the half-empty glass in his hands.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before the blond stood up gaining Minho's attention.

"Well... Thank you for the milk. I'll be going now. I have lectures early in the morning and I don't want to bother you any longer." Jisung stated calmly but with an undertone of sadness he tried to conceal to it and put his glass on the counter on his way out.

Silently, the chocolate-haired boy followed him to the door battling himself. He wanted to say something, anything, but his throat went dry. He couldn't just slam him on the door and kiss him passionately being under a delusion that the gesture will change the boy's feelings towards him.

Jisung stopped abruptly.

"And Minho hyung? If you ever need someone to confide in, don't hesitate to tell me. That's what friends are for, right?" he turned his head the older's way showing him a wide grin. "Good night."


Hi everyone!

First of all, I wanted to thank you for the 3k reads. It means a lot to me. I would have never thought that my book will get this much attention. ❤

Next, sorry for making it such a short (can I even call it a chapter?) chapter but I wanted to accentuate the breaking point of their relationship and there is also a sadder side to it which I'm going to address below.


You probably know what I'm talking about: Woojin. There is so much going on on my mind right now. Honestly speaking, I'm in an emotional turmoil; I feel heartbroken and dejected. I don't want to go into details because I was practically thrown into the middle of the whole situation as I'm not really a Twitter person (call me a boomer, idc) so it all makes me feel things I can't even describe. I am neither defending him nor accusing him but I do want the truth and if he is guilty, I want justice because sexual harassment is no joke and should not be taking lightly or turned a blind eye on. I hope there will be some legal actions taken and justice will come upon whoever is at guilt. Also, I am extremely sorry for the alleged victims. Consent and respect are vital. No human being deserves to experience such traumatizing events.

With that said, although I'm waiting for the situation to unfold one way or another, I will take Woojin's character out of my book. He is only mentioned once as Chan's classmate and Minho's friend but I will change it to BamBam since he is Chan's age.

I don't usually voice out my thoughts because I believe it may only bring more harm and hate but I wanted to let you know the reason why it'll take me some time to update again. I hope you'll understand.

Please, I beg you, if you have other opinions on the situation and somehow find my thoughts on it contrasting to yours, please don't attack me. I want the best for everyone but I'm not taking any sides entirely (although my prayers are with the victims).

I hope everyone is healing from the news. Stay safe, stay strong. ❤

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