10.5. Lips on lips

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This is another filler-like chapter, this time Chanlix. If you are not fond of this ship please skip it. 💗


“Do you think they'll end up together?”

“Who? Jisung and Minho?” Chan asked to make sure he had understood the younger's question.

“Yep.” he nodded, even though the older had his eyes on the road. “I mean, I would be really happy for Sungie if they did. Minho hyung seems cold and unapproachable but he's really passionate about dancing and if someone  had problems with choreographies he would help them patiently, so I think he's a good person in reality.”

Chan listened to the boy's explanation with attentiveness and spoke up once he finished. “I'm not best friends with him either but since he's really close to BamBam and we had a chance to hang out a few times at school I can assure you that he's a softie inside. Don't worry about them.” he smiled at the boy squeezing his hand gently to assure him.

“You're right. Let's wait and see,” he stated and they fell silent.


“Channie~” the pink-haired boy whined to get the older's attention after some time.

“Yes, baby?” he glanced over his boyfriend, trying to stay focused on the road.

“Can we cuddle once we get to my apartment?” he pleaded curling his lips up like a kitten.

“Does that mean you want me to spend the night?” Chan smirked playfully showing off his characteristic dimples.

Felix blushed furiously covering his face with his tiny hands.

“Do- don't make it sound li- like that.” he stuttered through his palms.

Chan parked the car before unclipping the seatbelt and leaned closer to the boy.

“I'm joking, Lixie,” he chuckled at his boyfriend cuteness. “Don't hide your lovely face.” he took Felix's hands into his own and uncovered it.

Felix melted in his touch staring at Chan's lips only a few inches away from his own.

“Can I kiss you, baby?” Chan asked softly. The pink-haired boy nodded shyly before he felt the boy's plump lips on his own.

The kiss was short but sweet. just like cotton candy. The boys parted their lips staring into each other's eyes lovingly.

“Let's go cuddle, shall we?” Chan smiled at his boyfriend.


Hellouu everyone! 🌼

As always, thank you for reading my book. Please, feel free to comment, vote, and correct me if you see any errors.

I hope, you enjoyed this sugar sweet Chanlix dessert. 🥰

Extra kisses for Shiroo2001, a lovely Chan and Felix enthusiast. ❤️

I want to write some Minsung fluffy cuddles already but I don't want to rush thing like that and I'm torn between 'let's build your feelings gradually' and 'kiss kiss, f*ck already', oh well. 😩

Anywho, this chapter's title was inspired by Tiffany's Lips on Lips. 💖

Have a lovely day/night. 💞

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