11. Love bug

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Monday morning approached sooner than Jisung would have preferred and, again, he was rushing around the apartment to gather the school necessities before he stepped out in the hall, sloppily locking the door behind.

Oh, how fun it is to run late first thing Monday morning.

The blond boy whipped his head unconsciously in the direction of Minho's apartment and a faint blush bloomed on his cheeks from the night's earlier memories.

No, no... It's not the time to recall your stupidity, Han Jisung  - he squished his eyes close to bring his sober mind back.


The boy made it somehow on time before the professor started his lecture. Just as Mr. Kim was entering the class he turned around to greet his friends who sat in the row behind him giving them a small wave and a smile when the cherry-haired boy indicated the professor's arrival and rolled his eyes at his obliviousness.

After what felt like ages, the lectures had ended and the three boys were on their way to a small pastry shop where they often met to catch on each other's life. They sat by the window at the back of the busy shop and started to dig into their desserts.

“Yah, Kim Seungmin!” the blond boy yelled suddenly causing the other two to choke on their food. “Is that a love bite on your left collarbone?” he pointed out in disbelief mixed with amusement.

Seungmin's eyes widened at the realization of his revealing shirt, his hand quick to pull up the fabric to cover his clavicles. “Wha- what? No...” he stuttered, his cheeks tinting the colour of freshly picked cherries matching his messy strands. The boys chuckled at his abashment.

“Seungminnie, I've never known you were such a horny puppy,” Felix smirked at him, only deepening the shade of red on his face with his words.

“Shut up. It's not what you think.” he denied, trying to overcome his embarrassment. “It was a- a bug.”

“A short one, I believe?” he cocked his brow playfully making Jisung burst out laughing.

Seungmin glared at the said boy before speaking sarcastically. “Don't laugh so obnoxiously, you squirrel. Better tell us how was that cute little date of yours,” he smirked mischievously.

Jisung's smile faltered making him the embarrassed one now. The cherry-haired boy shoved a spoonful of strawberry ice cream into his mouth content with his achievement.

“Right, right! I want to hear the entire story too!” the pink-haired boy bounced excitingly at the idea.

“What do you mean? You were there with your boyfriend too!” he frowned at Felix making him shy for a brief moment.

Oops! What if Minnie doesn't know about that...

“I mean your male friend. Yeah, your friend hahaha!” he tried to cover his possible slip of Felix's secret glancing between them two but Seungmin only tilted his head to the side. “I know about Chan hyung.” he chuckled at the boy's visible panic, the pink-haired boy nodded.

Was I the only one who didn't know about this earlier?

“I wanted to tell you sometime later but you found out yourself yesterday,” Felix started to explain, “Minnie knew because Changbin hyung was the one who helped Channie hyung confess. And that thing yesterday was our first official date so I didn't want to, you know, spoil anything.” he ended slightly flustered. “I'm sorry,” he added with a pout.

The blond boy processed the newly gained information and smiled softly at his friend. “It's okay, Lixie,” he assured.

“So, how did you two meet?” he asked curiously and the topic of Jisung's so-called date was long forgotten, much to his content.


Jisung hurried into his apartment without sparring a glance at the older boy's door this time too scared he could meet him after yesterday's events. He fell face-first on his bed and let out a breath he was unconsciously holding, his face beetroot.

“How am I even gonna face him from now on?” he whined to himself gripping his pillow in frustration.

The evening before

“Jisung” the chocolate-haired boy spoke softly unfastening his seatbelt but the only response he got was small snores escaping the squirrel-like boy's slightly parted lips.

“Jisungie?” he placed his palm on the boy's shoulder carefully not to startle him once he's awake.

A quiet mmhh escaped Jisung's mouth but there was no sign of him waking up.

As Minho exited the car to go to the blond's side Jisung started to slowly gain consciousness but was not fully aware of his surroundings yet so when he felt a radiating warmth near his own body and heard a faint click of the seatbelt his heartbeat quickened making him fully awake but too scared and embarrassed to open his eyes.

A hand sneaked under his knees and soon after another behind his back. The blond boy could feel his soul leaving his body as he suddenly felt himself being picked up by the older.

Minho let out a small huff when he managed to get the sleeping boy out of the car in his arms. He closed the door with a swift kick almost instantly regretting his decision when he recalled his parents' scolding faces when he scratched their car once but at the moment Jisung was his only priority.

The blond boy felt dizzy and if not for the other's supporting hold he would faint for sure. Well, he wouldn't feel overwhelmed with panic in the first place if he was not being carried by Minho but the only sane thought that popped in his panic-hooded mind was to keep feigning being asleep.

It would be probably as embarrassing for him as for the older boy if he 'woke up' suddenly so he decided to 'stay asleep'  till they reach their floor.

For the time being, Jisung focused on his loudly pounding heart.

Shhhhh, you stupid blood-pumping organ.


Hi, henlo everyone! 🌼

Sorry for the long wait and as always, thank you for reading my book. Virtual hugs for commenting, voting, and adding it to your reading lists. Please feel free to correct me if you see any errors. 🥰

I apologize to all the innocent souls out here for not putting a warning about a slight NSFW allusion (Felix's comment about Seungmin) but I didn't think it was that explicit to even mention it.

Anyways, as you might have noticed I use song titles or cat related words for chapters titles but this time I chose 'Love bug' as it was lowkey mentioned in the boys' conversation and yeah, everyone is (falling) in love. Kinda TMI ig?

Also, I changed '~' to '...' for the time skip.

Have a lovely day/night. 💞

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