3. Soft paws

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Jisung dialed the number written on the cat's collar and waited for the owner to pick up. After a few more ringing tones he decided to just leave a message in a voicemail.

After he left the information about the cat's whereabouts he glanced at the ginger fluff immersed in playing with shoelaces sticking out from under the bed where he had thrown his shoes after coming back from school. The cat was surely adorable but Jisung didn't have the energy to babysit it at the moment so he silently hoped for the owner to hurry up.

"Your name's Soonie, right?" he bent down a little bit to grab the cat's attention.

Judging from the name it's probably a she.

"Are you hungry? You should probably drink something as well before your owner comes to pick you up."

She lifted her gaze from her previous activity and came closer to brush against his legs.

“Okay kitty, come with me.” Jisung directed his steps towards the kitchen joined with the living room, Soonie following close behind.

The blond boy stopped in his tracks when he remembered he didn't really have any knowledge of cats. Oh shoot, I know nothing about cats. He retrieved his phone from his back pocket and googled what to feed her.

Having scanned not-so-cat-friendly contents of the fridge Jisung sighed loudly.

What kind of a challenge is it?


After all the hardships of making food for the cat Jisung plopped down on the couch and checked his phone. Three hours had passed since the furry creature appeared in his flat yet no response from the owner.

“What kind of an owner is that person if they don't worry about their pet not being home?” he mumbled under his breath.

Soonie was currently snoring on her back beside him with her paws situated above her head.

The blond boy couldn't help but stroke them gently. It's so soft. His heart melting at the fluffiness. The cat scrunched her nose slightly at being disturbed but continued to nap anyway.

Suddenly his phone screen lit up.


Yo mate
Do you want to play LoL
with me rn?


I'm kinda busy.


You suck :c
Oh, wait
Did you get yourself a boyfie?
Is he that meanie next door?


How the fuck do you type so fast??
Give me a chance to explain, jeez.

First of all, don't go jumping into conclusions. I'm not that desperate to hook up with that asshole.

Secondly, I'm busy with babysitting
a cat that happened to choose my windowsill as a perfect place to have a panic attack over highs.


Show me the cutie

Jisung whipped his phone camera towards the sleeping cat and snapped a photo to send it to Felix.


Is it a stray cat?


She has a collar so I don't think so
but I couldn't reach the owner
and it's been a few hours
since I called them.


Maybe they are working late.


I would love to go to sleep so
I hope they'll contact me soon.

Just as he sent the message to his best friend an unknown phone number appeared on his phone screen, ringtone making the cat wake up.

“Hello?” Jisung greeted the person on the other side of the line hesitantly.

“Hi. I'm Lee Minho, the cat's owner. Sorry for calling you so late.”

The blond boy could swear that the person's voice sounded familiar but he didn't have the time to analyze it.

“Oh, no it's okay. I'm glad you received my message. Can I give you my address so you can pick your cat up?” he tried to sound as polite and kind as he could although he was extremely nervous talking with the stranger on the phone.

“Yes, please.” was the only thing the other boy said before Jisung gave him his address.


Hi everyone! 🌼

This author's note will be a little bit longer than the previous ones.

First of all, thank you for reading my book. It makes me happy to know that someone clicks on it and actually reads it. 💞

To those who click on it and get disappointed with its contents, I'm truly sorry. I'm trying my best to make it as enjoyable and transparent as I can but I'm aware that I suck at writing.

Secondly, as you might or might not noticed I changed small details in the previous chapter after learning that usually, information on collars have a pet's name and an owner's phone number. Although I like the idea of (as someone said) “my book, my rules”.

Also, I want to apologize for constantly editing the chapters but believe it or not sometimes I don't see mistakes even if I check a few times and after I publish them I have to edit them to be able to sleep well at night. 😅

Lastly, I decided to put in SKZ-PLAYER videos even tho they might not always correspond with the book storyline. Sorry not sorry. 😜

Anywho, please feel free to comment, vote, and correct me if you see any errors.

Have a lovely day/night. 💞

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