18. Love me or leave me

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"What's taking him so long?" petting one of the cats on his lap, Minho wondered out loud. The older had been gone for 10 or 15 minutes and he only went back to the car for the food his boyfriend and he had bought before crashing at Minho's place. The younger glanced at the tall boy who was getting affection from the small grayish ball of fur. "Maybe he got lost," the latter joked exposing his dimples once his lips stretched out in a small smile.

The difference between Jungkook's and his boyfriend's personalities was something that always intrigued him. Namjoon was composed and friendly; everything about him screamed 'subtle. Jungkook – on the other hand – resembled an energetic bunny; he was a loud chaotic jokester. Whenever they were together the younger was either a mischievous brat or a shy baby. At first, Minho didn't understand the difference in the boy's behavior but soon he realized that Namjoon could be dominating despite his calm aura; it explained a lot. Sometimes the couple annoyed him with their odd shenanigans but he was happy to have hyungs like them.

"I'll go check," the younger exclaimed putting Doongie down and shuffling to the door. He checked the phone for the umpteenth time and sighed. Jisung has probably just come back from his evening classes. God, why am I such a coward? I should have confessed to him that day. After the talk and a few days of little to none chance to interact with the boy, he realized that he messed up badly.

At first, Minho thought that he was being delusional whenever he saw Jisung's eyes filled with unspoken emotions linger on him. He didn't want to interpret it through the prism of his own feelings. Minho was not even sure when did he exactly felt that butterfly fluttering in his stomach for the first time but he knew that he couldn't ruin their friendship so he indulged himself in his small crush for the younger boy almost missing the requited feelings of Jisung. Too bad he didn't have any occasion to fix their mess of a relationship since the blond avoided him like the plague.

Minho opened the door and saw the missing boy stand not far from his apartment. "What took you so lo-" the words got stuck in his throat as he noticed a distressed blond by the door, "Jisung," he whispered. Jungkook didn't even have the time to question the two's weird behavior when a strong grip pulled him inside leaving Minho and Jisung alone in the hallway. The latter was panicking harder than earlier and the keys slipped from his hand again. Minho closed the distance between them in a few brisk steps and picked the piece of metal up. "Jisung," he said softly as if the boy was a wild animal ready to flee in fear, "I want to talk."

He handed him the keys and waited for any reaction from the blond boy. Jisung took the keys and hesitated for a second before unlocking the door and letting the older in. They stood awkwardly in the small space of Jisung's passage till Minho decided to speak first. "Jisung, I-" he took a deep breath to calm his racing heart, "I like you. I know we've only met recently and I can't quite pinpoint the moment when I first started to feel differently towards you but I am sure that it's sincere. I smile whenever I think of you; your puffy cheeks, sparkly eyes, cute nose, and kissable lips - everything about you is precious to me. I love how you blush and stutter when you are embarrassed or how clumsy you are. You make me say and feel things I have never felt or said to anyone. I'm sorry for hurting you with my cowardice," he confessed, and despite the sudden act of confidence, his face was beet-root, fingertips tingling with anticipation and anxiety.

Frozen, Jisung stood with his head hung low. Not a sound left his mouth at the older's confession. Minho's courage was gradually disappearing with every silent second; his head spun with million thoughts. He was scared: scared that he had misunderstood everything, scared that Jisung would laugh at him any minute. Minho's throat went dry at the thought of it. "Jisung I'm so s-sorry. If y-you don't feel the same way it's okay. Ju-just forget I said anything," he stuttered out; voice cracking subtly from time to time. "It w-would be great if you visited the cats from time to time though. They miss you," the boy managed to put on a small smile looking at his shoes; the confidence to look at the younger's face or – more precisely – hair covering his face long gone.

Minho took a step back and exclaimed: "I'll go now. Sorry for the- uh, for everything.". He didn't wait for a farewell from the blond boy; his heart was cracking and he was too afraid that the flood of his overwhelming emotions would drown him right in front of his unrequited love. His hand almost reached the doorknob when he heard a quiet sob.



Holy fluff guys, I'm crying. I think I've sympathized with both Minho and Jisung too deeply so I'll just leave the chapter as it is and publish it without proofreading. I'm sorry.

As always, thank you for the reads, votes, and comments.

Title's inspiration: Love me or Leave me by Day6

Have a lovely day/night. ❤

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