7. Curiosity killed the cat

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After trying to occupy the visibly stressed out about their owner's absence cats with various toys the blond boy managed to successfully calm them down and could relax a bit on the sofa. It had been two hours since the older boy left his apartment for the dance practice.

Jisung would lie if he said that he didn't feel awkward at all alone at the stranger's place. Well, not literally a stranger because theoretically they had known each other for almost two days but the blond wasn't even sure if he could call them acquaintances.

Oh well... I can't complain if I was the one who agreed to this.

Jisung tried to gather all information that he had learned about the chocolate-haired boy those past days as he absentmindedly started to stroke the cat sprawled on his thighs which seemed to be lost in her own world as well as she attempted to catch the boy's hand with her small paws.

When he first encountered Minho he did have a feeling that the boy won't leave his mind for a while but from an entirely different reason.

He had this arrogant and cold aura to him but Jisung figured out that it was only a top of an iceberg, the greater part of him hidden under the surface.

The blond boy couldn't help but feel intrigued by him and wanted to know more about the older. A particular question appeared in his mind; Does he have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? he blushed furiously at the thought and shook his head to get rid of it.

No no no. He is definitely not gay... or bi. But if he did have a girlfriend wouldn't it be natural for her to take care of his cats in a situation like this? he wondered trying hard not to assume things. Maybe she's just busy.

The boy got somehow frustrated by his own train of thoughts and was snapped back to reality when he felt sharp teeth piercing his skin.

“Ow ow ow Dori! That hurts.” he yelped in pain trying to shake her off. The gray kitten let go of his hand grudgingly as if the boy had spoiled her fun and got up from his lap.

Jisung giggled at the cat's reaction and patted her head. “You sure are a playful kitten, aren't you? I wonder if you take after your owner.” he grinned but his smile soon faltered as he realized how weird it must have sound.

His throat suddenly felt dry for some reason and made him head to the kitchen for a glass of water. After he gulped down the cold liquid an idea to look for the third cat popped in his mind.

Minho had informed him that Soonie was asleep but it had been quite some time and Jisung was actually curious where the ginger cat was.

He still felt like he shouldn't be wandering around the older's apartment but he had to do something else than making inappropriate assumptions about him.

The flat itself wasn't much bigger than Jisung's but he noticed its remarkable spaciousness. He halted his curious steps in front of an ajar door which he guessed led to Minho's bedroom. The boy pushed it gently and with a trace of hesitation, he stepped inside.

The first thing that came to his attention was the gray-ish color theme of the room, creamy walls softening the more or less dark decor. In the center stood a king-sized bed with various cushions resting on its headboard. It looks so comfortable.

Jisung's eyes caught sight of the ginger fluff and he broke into a smile.
“Gotcha!” he kneeled in front of the cat and started to pet her. Soonie stretched out sleepily before nuzzling her head into the boy's touch with a purr. “Hi sleepyhead.” he cooed at the cat's cuteness.

Bit by bit the feeling of drowsiness started to take over the blond boy.


I wonder how's the Jisung boy doing. The cats seem to have taken a liking in him so I hope he's not having a hard time looking after them. Minho thought as he was exiting the dance room.

“Minho hyung!”


He turned around to face the person calling his name. To his left stood a pink-haired boy, a hand extended with a phone in it. Minho raised a brow at him.

“You forgot your phone.” the boy waved it in the air before handing him his property. “Here.” he smiled politely.

“Thanks um...”

“Felix” the boy chuckled at his hyung's silliness. They'd been in the same dance group for almost a year and the older still didn't remember his name.

“Yeah, right. Thanks, Felix” Minho smiled abashedly back at the cat-like boy and took his leave.

The walk to his apartment complex was short and enjoyable as the spring breeze caressed his dump with sweat bangs, the bright sun rays adding vividness to the concrete city. Minho sighed with content.

After arriving at his floor he fished out his keys from the sports bag and unlocked the door. When he went inside he was greeted by his three cats with no sign of the blond boy in the sight. Minho took off his shoes and left them in the passage with the sports bag.

“Hi, lovelies.” he crouched down to pet them affectionately and regained his composure soon after to look for the boy.

Maybe he's in the bathroom? the chocolate-haired boy glanced at the door to his right. He knocked on it gently but was met with no response so he opened it and saw no one inside.

Minho started to think that the boy had gone back to his apartment but he  noticed the door to his bedroom being open and when he peeked into the room he was met with a sleeping figure.

The blond boy had his head rested on his forearm with messy strands of hair covering his eyes, his upper half leaning against the bed and legs in, what Minho could only guess, uncomfortable position on the floor.

Jisung had a peaceful expression on his face, a small pout adorning his lips.

Only then did Minho take note of his squirrel-like features.

Cute” he muttered to himself with a small smile only to clear his throat with embarrassment at the realization of his own words.

The chocolate-haired boy squatted down in front of the sleeping boy and shook his shoulder with gentleness and a soft voice.

“Wake up Jisungie”


Hiyaaaa everyone! 🌼

Thank you so much for reading my book. Please feel free to comment, vote, and correct me if you see any errors. 💞

As always special thanks to the ones who comment and vote. It makes me over the moon to know that some people enjoy this book but I'm grateful for the views too so thank you all. 💖

Frankly speaking, I'm a teeny tiny bit frustrated with my work. I try my best to make the storyline interesting but at the same time not to skip descriptions of the characters' feelings or the surroundings which slow the plot down in my opinion so I'm frustrated at my own incompetence ig. I'm truly sorry about that.

Kinda TMI: this chapter is the longest one so far. I tried to finish it before Chan's live so I may edit it once more sometime later.

Remember to stream the new album and mv when it comes out plus vote on them on voting apps.🔥

Have a lovely day/night 💞

My Neighbor's Cats | minsungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon