33) Conquered

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No one knows what you have been through or what your pretty little eyes have seen, but I can reassure you ~ whatever you have conquered, it shines through your mind.
- Nikki Rowe

Avalon pov

I feel the pain of his death every second. It feels like a part of me has been ripped from my chest. I scream in agony.

My scream is echoed with someone else's. I stop screaming, confused. But the howls of agony continue in my head.

Dea? I ask. Who else could it be? The familiar feeling of her voice echoing through my skull is welcomed. Dea! I shout. What happened?

Well, I spent all my energy helping you escape that place. And I wouldn't have been able to get enough energy until you fully mated with Jaycob. But now, he - he's... She chokes on her words. I know Dea, I know. I whisper.

We can't sit here all day. We have to make those stupid Fates pay for what they have done. She says with more determination in her voice. I agree with her.

Dea is like my rock. When I am at my lowest, she will bring me up again. She is like my own personal counsellor. When she gets her mind set on something, she will do it. Now she has her mind set of finding and hurting the Fates.

I don't ignore the pain, I let it wash over me in tidal waves. I embrace the pain. I feel myself start to change. I don't stop it. I let myself get lost in the transformation.

I can feel my body get hot, really hot. I scream as I allow the change on to me. I feel it subside. The change is done. My body is emitting a blinding light.

I look down at myself. I am in my goddess form. My midnight black hair cascades down my back in waves. I can feel the snowdrop garland on my head. I am in my long, floor length silver dress. I breath in my familiar form.

I float up and burst through the pack houses roof. I make a mental note to fix that later. Right now, my soul focus is getting revenge for my mate.

I know that everyone's eyes are on me. I can feel the Fates fear looking up at me from across the field.

They are hovering above the ground at the opposite end of the field to me. Their bright blonde hair is blowing behind them, though there is no wind. I think it is for dramatic effect. Their firey eyes are blazing as they use their powers to distract the members of Jaycob pack.

I know my eyes are blazing with anger. That's all I feel right now, anger. I will get my revenge. They took my world away from me. Now, they will pay.

All I can see is red. The blinding hot rage seeps in to my bones. My eyes are set solely on the Fates, and the dead body next to them. Jaycob, my Jaycob is lying there, dead.

His glassy eyes are open, staring at the floor. His limp carcass already loosing its warmth. I guess the fates expected me to finally give up once he was dead.

Their expressions of fear soon moulded in to faces of triumph as they see me staring at his dead body.

"Nice to see you again." Grace smiles.

"Did you miss us?" Belle asks.

I scowl at them.

I look up at the full blood moon. I smirk. They are not the only ones who get power at the blood moon. I am always most powerful at the full moon. Luckily for me it is full tonight.

I float down to where they are standing. Every wolf in the field, including the rogues, make room for me.

I float down until I am in front of them. We are all hovering 5 foot above the floor. Their smile never leaves their faces.

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