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Day 3

Soo Ah paced in front of her desk. Somehow,she felt bad at how the conversation ended yesterday. Was he mad? Was he okay? Why did Geun Won seemed sad so suddenly when they've just started to have a decent conversation?

She decided that it was not worth it to keep asking for something that Geun Won has clearly told her off. Knowing how persistent he is, the reason will be buried with him forever. This has made her feels more and more confused! Wasn't it supposed to make her more mad at him?

At least...for a dying man...she hopes he would feel remorse. Doesn't matter if he admitted his sins or not. A remorse is a remorse. She would be satisfied enough to see it in his eyes, as what was shown by the late president. That old man even apologized to her. And expressed how he might be a different man if Soo Ah was truly his daughter. It's her being selfish at that moment.

She knew the President even kneeled down to Saeroyi. Thus, Saeroyi had truly got peace within for the President. Not many know, but Saeroyi was the one sponsored his funeral procession. Hence, she wanted him to comfort her soul too. In the end, she got to hear something even more warm but heartbreaking at a point. How such cruel man actually remained true to his words to keep protecting her (even it was because Soo Ah kept to the end of her bargain) and care for her. The mighty President Jang who even threw his sons under the bus, trusted her and actually held her at a special place in his heart. His last words to her "you look just like her...I hope you'll live the beautiful life she could never get"
She still doesn't know who is that "she" but Soo Ah is sure that person was held very dear to him. Alas, even someone who resembled that "she" was taken great care of?

She could be good and caring to the late President Jang. She could at least just be a good acquaitance to Geun Won in his numbered days. She would return the favors by doing good to his sickly son. He might have thrown Geun Won to save Jangga Co. But she knew he would not do it if he had another option. Hence, she would be the one to care for his son while he is under her roof.

But the thing is, will he still be coming today?


Oh, that's Yoon Ha, Seol Hwa and Myung Do. She can hear their laughter and Myung Do's laugh teasing Yoon Ha.

Minutes passed by and another bell rings.

Not him too. It's the new kid from Seok Chon's kitchen. The one borrowed until they got the permanent replacement.

He might be quitting already.

She could do nothing about it. It's his right, anyway. She can't force him to it.


"Myung Do ya! Sajangnim! Yeorobun!"

It's him!

She ran to the front and saw him. There's awkward silence before Myung Do came by. She gave him a small nod and smile before advancing forward. He could see he is nervous too as she comes closer.

"Good morning." As she stops right in front of him.

"Morning, Sajangnim. Myung Do ya!" He waves his right hand to Myung Do who also replied with his signature goofy grin before started doing the opening set up.

"Uhh...sorry about yesterday. I'll take all half days from today onwards. So, yeah, the second option."

"Arasso. Welcome back. Thank you for helping till the end."

They both look at each other in silence before Soo Ah excused herself to greet the first customer of the day.


When he came back yesterday, he realized how childish of him to be angry at her. He realized that he was facing the working Soo Ah, the professional one who's just doing everything by the book. Not the personal Soo Ah. (It's just that admittedly, those words are quite harsh for a contract termination script.)

Why  would he waste his time sulking?

After all, Soo Ah has never been this good to him. It wasn't her fault to find his replacement that fast. Wasn't she always asked (and expected) him to shoo away from day 1 he reported in?

He just have just a  few more days to watch over his pretty Soo Ah. The phoenix-like beauty and strength so rarely found in women. He wanted to hold on to her voice to soothe him when he felt the pain. And her kind words to replay in his head when he can no longer move. He would like to keep her smile in his memory till his last breath.

He just wanted to keep as much memories as possible to accompany him before he moves to the hospice.

When he died, he wish God would allow him to protect her till the end. His soul to carry all of her misfortunes and trials so that she will be happy.

He is the dirty sinner.

But his love to her is pure.

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