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"Boo!" Soo Ah sneaked behind unsuspecting Geun Won who opened the fridge.

"Kamjagya! Aish..." His body jerked back funnily due to the surprise before both of them cracked a smile. And that small studio apartment soon heard laughter from two people who never thought they would find peace with each other like this.

When the laughter died down, both of them suddenly found themselves staring at each other. Geun Won's right hand is still holding the fridge's door open while Soo Ah is very close to him. Remnants of the laughter still lingers around with that sparkle of glee in their eyes.

Soo Ah's breath caught a hitch when she sensed his musky smell emanating from his body, and that intense gaze full with longing despite their very close distance. 

Geun Won has forgotten to breath when he sees Soo Ah's wet hair and that big lovely eyes that could not hide the loneliness. That fine smiling lines that would deepen when she smiles brilliantly. 

How is it possible to always find new things that make him fell deeper and deeper in love to a person like this?

Love? Stop being delusional, Jang Geun Won! He gave himself a mental slap before breaking the eye contact. Soo Ah also pulled herself out of her trance and both of them cleared their throat awkwardly. She moved away hastily to the water purifier machine. Geun Won took the winter melon out of the fridge and brought it to the counter.

"Yah! I thought you're a ghost or something." He teased her for her unruly wet hair.

Soo Ah's eyes becomes big as she heard that. Me? Ghost? 

"You're saying I'm ugly?" She sulked while shooting him laser from where she stood.

Geun Won gave her a playful smile, jerking his eyebrows insinuating 'maybe?' Soo Ah's mouth gaped open like a fish on his reaction.

"Yah!" she exclaimed, half pissed-off with the blatant joke. Geun Won looked at her with that boyish grin and they both broke into laughter.

He motioned her to the dinner table where the kimchi jjigae and a set of piping hot rice had been prepared on the island table. She sits down while Geun Won brought the finely cut winter melon to the table and sits in front of her.

When Geun Won motioned with her hand to start eating, she is puzzled.

"What about you? Where's your rice, Geun Won-ah?" He looked at her before carefully answering,

"I don't feel like eating. Oh, don't mind me. I feel full just looking at your eating." He assured her and gives her that smiley eye smile.


But Soo Ah is not so easily persuaded. In fact, she's concerned.

"Geun Won-ah...wae? You don't feel comfortable anywhere?"

"Aniya. Aniya. I just don't feel like eating. Mogo" He persuaded her to start eating and stop minding his lack of appetite.

Hesitantly, she starts eating. Upon the first spoon, her eyes went wide and looked at Geun Won appreciatively. Geun Won looked delighted with that. She continued with more hearty spoonful while Geun Won continues sticking his chin and looking at his most beloved woman eats happily.

"Nomu masisseo! Geun Won-ah...I forbid you from working at any other kitchen, okay? Or mine would lose popularity. Oh God...its so delicious! Here!" she scooped one spoon with a generous amount of rice, dip it in the jjigae, and top it with a bit of chicken from the kimchi jjigae soup, and tries to feed Geun Won.

Caught off guard, Geun Won just opens his mouth and accepts the food. He chewed the foods slowly while his eyes blinking, confused at what has happened. Soo Ah's laughter rings the space between them. Once he swallowed that, Soo Ah feeds him again like a mama bird feeding her confused child. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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