Where it all begins.

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(Y/N Point of View)

Screams are heard everywhere as buildings are being burned to the ground. Everyone running in a panic trying to find anywhere that is safe. I slowly stroll through my hometown in ruins searching for my family. My family.... I look deep into my thoughts trying to remember their happy laughs when we came all together. I can't seem to muster any happy moments. I continue walking through my town letting my legs guide me to who knows where.


I look at a women who extends her hand towards me. I give her a blank stare and pass by. What would she want me to do. I can't do anything I'm useless. If I just had the power to help everyone. Maybe just maybe this would've never happened. I continue watching as my beloved home town burn to a crisp.Hearing the desperate cries asking someone to help them, a savior to come, a miracle, a God. A God.. In a world like this there is no god. All my memories flood me and wash away. All I can do is watch it happen. Thats all I could ever do. Just watch. I finally reach home looking all around the area. The rubble, the blood, and their cold lifeless dead bodies. Something wet comes strolling down the right side of my cheek. One drop after another I realize that both my eyes are filled up with tears.

"Why.... how did this happen to me.."

I cover my eyes and began to sink into a curled ball.

(??) "Poor child. Your whole town burned down in under a night. You have no one left to hear your cries. No one left to hear your pleas."

I slowly take my hands off my eyes to reveal a man with a black coat that went all the way to he's feet. His face was covered by the hood that had little chains coming down. All I could see is the flicker of gold when I first glanced upon him. I wipe off my tears and stand up towards him.

(Y/N) " And you are? What are you doing in my village. Are you the one who caused this."

(??)"You do not yet knows what lies beyond the door. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little."

(Y/N) " So what if I don't understand I know enough to know that you aren't supposed to be here. Now tell me are you the one who caused this."

(??) "Let's say that I did. Is there anything you can do to take revenge."

I look down to my hands. There really is nothing I can do. Im weak. Pathetic little girl who can't do anything. I always have to rely on someone else. I want to change that....

(??) "Listen child. I can help you change into something much stronger."

I look up at him to see that he pulls out a box that contains a black orb with purple flares oozing around it. He takes the black orb out of the box and extends his hand for me to take it.

(Y/N) "What is it..."

(??) " It's something that will change your life and give you the power that you need to become stronger. It's all up to you if you want to discard the opportunity that you are given or take it and become stronger than anyone or anything in the world."

I glance upon the orb enchanting me every second I stare. I turn around and stare at my village burning like that gates of Hell. What else do I have to live for... I turn back to the man and reach for the orb placing it in both of my palms. The orb beats with each second feeling like a real heartbeat pulsing in my hands. But for some reason I feel sorrow pulsing through to orb. Like it had nothing to live for as well. I gently smile and hug the orb. It starts to flash and forms into the shape of a heart. A black heart... All of a sudden it starts to force its way into my heart. Pushing past every organ, skin, and tissue of my body. I curl up onto the floor in immense pain covering my heart with both of my hands. I try to lift my head in a position to see the man.

(??) "Well I never expected you to be the one "IT" accepts. Out of all the test candidates what made you so special?"

He kneels down to me tilting his head out of curiosity. Another rush of pain stabs my heart making it beat so fast that it could explode. I close my eyes as tight as I can screaming my lungs out. I want it to stop. I WANT IT TO STOP.

(??) "Welp Princess I hope you enjoy my present. We'll meet again soon."

The man stands up and turns around to summon a black and purple portal flaring with its colors. He starts to walk into it giving me one last glance and never looking back again. In that instant when his whole body was emerged with the portal it disappeared just as quick as he appeared. My eyes start to drift off without me wanting to close them again.Pain nags at me every second I try to take a break. I can't help but comply and let them fall. Darkness is all that I see. Is darkness all that I'll ever have. Nothing good came out of my life. I was all alone even when my whole family was together with my friends smiling and laughing happily. Even in those moments I was still all alone.

No matter where I go...

I'll always be alone...

HELLOO EVERYONE! Well that's basically the intro of our character . I'll describe her more and more as the series goes on with your traits don't worry lol .Anyway I hope you enjoyed the start I know it was really short but I just wanted to get the gist of how the story will be written. If you have any advice please tell me lol. Thats all for now thank you for reading!

.May My Heart Be My Guiding Key. A kingdom Hearts X Reader (more added)Where stories live. Discover now