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        Her body started glowing more brightly and steam curling around her increased. That man made of water couldn't understand what's going on and he started shouting something that but I didn't heard him. Another hand appeared from the river and now both the hand started to crush her. Now she started glowing more and more. And it became unbearable for my eyes to look at her. Suddenly everything became white followed by a boom and we all went flying and again world stopped moving and this time I was in middle of air so, I started falling but slowly so I adjusted my body and landed on feet.
           Then I turned to find Blossom she was still in a air and the hand wasn't there anymore and I could see that man's figure disintegrating in water droplets. Then I looked all-around and found that other people weren't affected by this only Alt and I were affected and that man too.
Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder and I panicked and landed punch on that person's head but she dodged and held my hand.
       Then she said "What are you doing" it was Alt. I replied "Sorry, I got panicked....." I couldn't understand what say this condition, words weren't forming in my brain. She replied "It's okay, but you could have broke my nose if, I hadn't dodged.". I asked "what are you doing here, you should have....wait, so you can also do this."she replied "Yes but not very often , it takes too much energy. So I don't prefer using this but you are strong so, you can do this often but still will take a lot of energy" I replied"Mhmm,"and asked "Now what?". She replied "Let's go to a safe place" I asked "and Blossom," we are taking her with us."
      Then we went to Blossom and we held her either hands and started walking. Now we had to search a open area because that explosion could cause falling of trees in forest and we don't want that. Then Alt pointed towards a cliff  from which water was falling at very high speed forming a rainbow above it. But the problem was how to climb that cliff.
     I asked Alt "And how would we climb that cliff with Blossom." She chuckled and replied "It's very easy,"
I couldn't understand how it was easy?

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