Letty's been Dom's girlfriend since high school. She's a hard cook who doesn't get cold in her eyes, but she's also a loyal girl who has a deep honour and it's also one of the only female images that I and Maya have had in our entourage including Mia, our little sister. I and Maya are false binoculars that were born on October 12 and we have a year more than Mia, which makes it the youngest of the family. Poor girl !

I get out of the moon when I hear the short noise of an approaching engine. I barely turn my head to the left and I see a white with a rather ridiculous haircut coming to the bar not far from Mia. I'm pushing a sigh when I see the same guy who comes every day to order a tuna sandwich, it's clear that he's running after Mia.

I am reconcilating myself to my drawing by listening to the conversation with one ear.

- Tuna on bread without junk, right ? ironically request Mia perched on the counter reading a magazine.
- Is it tuna ? ask the blonde in a nutshal way.

I raise my eyes in the air while continuing to draw.

- It's been three weeks that every lunch you bring to lunch and you ask me "it's the tuna good ?" You didn't really like it yesterday, until yesterday, or any other day anyway and you know what nothing changes here !
- A tuna sandwich.
- Without crouting ?
- Without crusted, confirms the guy by continuing to leaf through his car magazine.

Mia moves towards me and begins to prepare his meal with a little smile at the corner of her lips.

- Te gusta ?
- Que ! Claro que no ! Además, se ve estúpido.

I try not to laugh at the bursts before looking at my sister who hides half her face so as not to laugh too. I see Dom getting up from his seat to go get a beer and go back to sit in his place not without looking white. I think even our brother saw a bit of clarity in his game.

When Mia finished her sandwich, she gave me a slap on the thigh's side to make me understand to get off the kitchen plan. I roll my eyes before going down and walking to my binoculars. I open the door by placing my sketchbook on the table. She takes a minute before taking up the head of her book and watching my drawing.

- He's really great, but I think you've missed the contours here a little, she says sorry.

I look at her before looking at Dom who looks at me shaking his head, making clear that he doesn't interfere in it. I make a smile before getting up and getting out of the "back shop" not without stealing chocolate from him that was on a plate on the table. I'm going back to the front or I see Mia talking to Mr. Tuna, as I like to call him. And also the fact that I don't know his name.

I'm about to tell them something before hearing the soft sound familiar of incredible motors on wheels. My smile grows, knowing full well that the familia is coming back. Soon, four cars park in front of the restaurant before their respective drivers leave.

- You hear this noise, Jesse, says the guy coming out of a blue car night waving his finger in the air. It's not going round.
- It is the injection mapping that is deregregated, Jesse replies with a wool hat on the head.

I put my notebook on the counter before going out and walking to them. All four gather around the blue car of Vince that now has the hood up. I'm moving to Letty's left, who's going to pass an arm on my shoulders greeting me while I listen to the boys.

- You see, I told you !
- Shut up, Vince says.
- All you have to do is open a mini-second, I'll set your bone on it and there's no problem anymore.

Jesse continues to mumble for himself before Vince forcibly returned him to a red truck parked across the restaurant. Seeing his air, he doesn't look enchanted.

- What is still crazy ? Is that a tuna sandwich fondue ? ask Vince a little more furious to see him talk to Mia.
- No, Vince, it's from her of us it's melted, said Leon.
- Stay cool, it's this guy who sells the pieces at Harry's, Letty answers him as we get on our way to the restaurant.
- No, I know what he's trying to sell.
- Yeah, but it's to Mia that he's trying to sell it.

I roll my eyes before I go back to get my drawing book.

- Hi, guys ! said Mia happy.
- Hi, his good Mia ?
- Hi, my darling, says Letty while going to see Dom and my sister.
- Hey Dom, do you want something to drink ? she tells him before he raises his can of beer.
- I would like a cold soda Letty, says Maya smiling.

Letty smiled at her before going to get the drinks. Turning myself forward from the bar, I see Vince pushing a bowl with cream and milk to the tuna guy. Just as they have to look at each other now, I have the impression that they are fighting mercilessly for the place of the restaurant.

Guys and their dirty ego !

- Vince ? Vince ! tells him Mia.
- What ?
- Should I serve you something ?
- Very kind, I say sarcastically while Mia gives me a black look.

The white eventually gets up by thanking Mia for his sandwich while dropping his monnaies  on the counter and going out. Just looking at Vince's face, I have to call on a superhuman effort not to burst with laughter. Vince also runs after Mia, but I strongly doubt that she will see it differently than as a friend of our big brother.

It didn't take ten seconds before Vince got up and went looking for problems where there are none. I'm approaching the counter to watch their exchange. Until Vince pushes the guy against his red truck.

Oh, no..

That's all we needed on this beautiful day, two idiots fighting like six-year-olds. I'm turning to Mia, who's approaching Dom slightly furious.

- Cingled ! Dom can you get up and calm down that jerk ?! You hear me Dom ! Come on !

Dom gets up quietly from his seat before turning towards us and watching Vince on the other side of the street.

- What did you put in his sandwich ?
- You want to make me laugh !

- Dom ! I say at the same time as my binoculars while looking at him.
- It's okay, he says, leaving the restaurant.

Although I'd like to see Vince's face broken white, I'd rather not see another guy with blood everywhere on him. When Vince gets mad, it can be really awful to see.

Dom quietly made his way to the two fighters in the company of the other guys of the group and managed without problem to separate the two idiots. I breathe a blow as my twin joins me and we follow Letty join the group.

The white defends himself against Dom, but as he was going to answer, Vince tries to throw himself on him. Our brother's faster, and Leon moving him back.

- It's enough, stop ! And you're not fucking with me anymore ! says Dom with a clear and authoritarian voice.

I watch Vince grow inside the restaurant by Leon, not far from Letty, while from the corner of the eye, Jesse gives Dom something. His wallet, I guess.

- Brian Earl Spilner. You know you have a serial killer name you ? he tells him by giving him his wallet.

This time I can't keep it. I am laughing at the same time as Maya, but one look from Letty puts us back in our place. We never have the right to have fun here !

- You never put your feet back here again, concludes Dom by turning the heels.
- I'm the one who's making a badger ? defends Brian.

Dom turns around pointing his finger at him.

- You work at Harry's, right ?
- Yeah, I'm at the try.
- And well, you're fired !

I look at Brian who looks madly at my brother before he turns his heels and goes up in his car. I watch him leave before I feel a hand on my shoulder.

- Are you ok ? ask Maya.
- Yeah, don't worry.

Maya puts her arm on my shoulders before we go back to the restaurant. It took almost an hour to calm Vince and it wasn't a part of fun. In the next hour, I saw Dom isolate himself from the band and exit his phone. I'm sure he's just punching a call to Harry for Brian.

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