Starting today, You Fell into a Trap!

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I hummed softly as I kicked my legs sitting in the chair across from my brother Honey and our cousin Mori. I watched Honey eat piece after piece of cake and cringed. How can he eat so much and not feel fat and full?! I readjusted myself in my seat and shook my head "Honey you eat too much cake. You're going to get fat when you're older." I stated from behind my bunny plush. Grandma had made both me and Honey a bunny plush but they couldn't be any different from each other.  Honey's was a cute light pink bunny that he liked to call Usa-Chan while my bunny was black with black and green stripped legs, green button eyes and razor sharp teeth. I adored him with all my heart and called him Hoshi-chan. 

Before Honey could respond to my comment he was stopped by a strange man stumbling into the club room. How strange considering the club wasn't open yet. I stood up on my chair to get a better look at the man. He was short but I guess in comparison to me he was tall. He had a gross messy brown mop on his head that I guess he would call hair. He had giant glasses on that clouded his eyes so they were practically invisible and the man wasn't even wearing our school uniforms! I mean I wouldn't blame him if he had to wear the girls one but ours aren't bad at all! I got up from my chair and skipped over to stand by the rest of the club to watch the boy who was currently pressing himself against the wall trying to find the door knob while never taking his eyes off the group. I sweat dropped a bit and shook my head. He'll never find the door knob if he doesn't actually look for it. "Hikarou and Kaoru, this visitor is in the same class as you, right?" I came over just in time to here Kyoya talk. "Yeah but he's shy. He isn't very social so we don't know him too well."

The twins talked in unison as usual. I used to wonder how they did that. That they could be so well coordinated or know each other so well to be able to talk in unison. If me and Honey were to attempt that we'd fail miserably. "Well that wasn't very polite. Welcome to Ouran host club, honor student." Kyoya said with a small smirk. I turned my attention back to the man still trying to get out of the room and smiled behind  Hoshi-chan. "That's why you don't have a uniform!" I giggled and pointed to him "You can't afford one! How silly is that Hoshi-Chan." I said and looked down at my bunny as Honey and Mori walked up next to me. Mori gave me a small look and I frowned a bit. I said something impolite again didn't I? I sighed and turned my attention back to the boy who Tamaki was now standing in front of. "You must be Haruhi Fujioka. You're the exceptional honor student we've heard about." As soon as the boys name left Tamaki's mouth he stopped trying to open the handle that he finally found and turned around. "How do you know my name?" He asked curiously and I giggled a bit seeing how confused and concerned he was. 

"Well it's not everyday a commoner gains entrance into out academy. I've been told that unless you possess a rather audacious nerve, you cannot become an honor student Mr. Fujioka." Kyoya explained as I watched Haruhi practically flinch anytime an insult came his way. "Ah why, thank you I guess." Tamaki grabbed Haruhi by the shoulder and smiled as he spoke. "You're welcome. You're a hero to other poor people Mr. Fujioka. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."

As Tamaki talked I watched Haruhi slowly try to inch away from him but Tamaki not taking the hint following after the poor commoner. I looked over to Honey and gently grabbed his free hand starting to whisper to him. "It doesn't matter does it? Long live the poor! Welcome to our world of beauty, poor man!" Tamaki continued and in the end struck a pose. Haruhi had a tick mark on his forehead and turned around "I'm out of here." He grumbled and headed for the door to leave. Before he could Honey grabbed onto his arm with me holding both Usa-Chan and Hoshi-chan following close behind. "Hey! Haru-chan! Haru-chan! Come back here! You must be like a super hero or something! That's so cool!" 

The Punk Lolita (OHSHC X male oc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora