The Job of a Lolita in Love!

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I looked outside the window of the host club and smiled softly. Everyone else was getting ready to open up but I was already dressed up and the 'tropical forest' was set as well. I was wearing the same outfit as Honey but the colors were reversed and my flower necklace was pink instead of red. We finally got into our positions and I jumped onto Tamaki's lap. I crossed my legs and leaned into him smiling not noticing the blush forming on the younger but taller boys face. I continued to stare out the window looking at the cherry blossoms that were starting to grown until we heard the door start to open. I looked over at the door with a small smile expecting to see a girl but it was just Haruhi. She looked defeated as a bird landed on her head. I tried to warn her first chapter but did she believe me? nope. She deserves this. "Oh, it's you Haruhi, you're late." The twins spoke in unison as usual. Haruhi sighed looking around and frowned pulling out a small calendar from her uniform pocket. 

"I could be wrong but according to my calendar its still early April." She muttered to herself even though we all hear. Tamaki suddenly stood up and I had to jump off his lap quickly in order not to fall. "Huddling under a Kotatsu table, fearing the cold would be nonsense. Why else do we have this perfect heating and cooling system?" I swear I saw red roses around him as he spoke. He really knew how to grab the attention of everyone in the room. "Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilling early spring out in the world, but in our club, we welcome our chilly, little kittens to a warm, south tropical paradise." I nodded and smiled "Plus they get to see our muscles!" I squeaked and giggled a bit pulling on Haruhi's arm. "Girls love when we're shirtless so might as well use it to our advantage!" 

"Tsukiya!" Tamaki scolded me but kyoya tapped his black notebook with his pen. "He does have a point. We get an increase in customers anytime we pull of little...stunts like this." He mumbled and then went back to writing making me smile and giggle. I knew I was right! 


I nearly barfed as I listened to Tamaki talk to the lady guests. I don't understand why girls like those weird sappy quotes. They are obviously lies and not unique to that girl. After being here for a while you start to pick up phrases Tamaki would often say to girls. They weren't special unlike the rest of the club. Tamaki actually held true conversations with us even if some of the conversations were completely stupid. I noticed Haruhi had wandered over to clean up some empty glasses and I smiled a bit. "I'll help you Haru-chan! I'm great at helping!" I heard girls awe in the background as I got down from my chair and grabbed the tray Haruhi was holding. I followed after her to help more. I held the tray in front of me with confidence until I got distracted hearing Tamaki say were holding a party. I went to turn around to chime in but accidently stumbled over a small rock sending the tray flying and the glass cups shattered. I teared up and sniffled sitting up onto my knees. 

Tamaki instantly ran over and helped me up "Tsukiya! Are you alright!? Are you injured anywhere?! Daddy is here to help!" He fussed over me and I sniffled. "Tama-chan I think I scrapped my knee!" He set me down to check and sure enough my knee was scrapped and bleeding. Tamaki frowned and immediately called for a first aid kit that Kaoru brought over. All of the girls were waiting in anticipation with their hands close to their mouths and either a concerned or shocked look on their faces as they waited to see what would happen next. Tamaki gently cleaned my knee and then got out a cute hello kitty band aid carefully putting it on my cut. "There. How do you feel Tsukiya senpai?" I thought for a second before smiling wide and wrapped my arms around Tamaki's neck. "I'm all better thanks to you Tama-chan!" The girls squealed at the sight and I blushed at the thought of how concerned Tamaki looked when I got hurt. He really did care for me huh? That made me feel nice, someone other than family cared. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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The Punk Lolita (OHSHC X male oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon