First Date for Him

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Friday arrived before I knew it and it was time for our first game. I couldn't wait and though Amber wouldn't be there, I was excited to be in the locker room before the game getting ready with the other girls. It was my first senior high basketball game and though I was nervous at the thought of playing in front of Josh and the others, the chances were, I wouldn't play this first game. Then I wouldn't have to worry about the guys because after our game they would be on the floor and I could just watch and enjoy.

There were big expectations for the boys this season and though the girls' team had a shot, we knew that high school basketball was all about the boys. I loved being a part of it and while we were getting dressed in our new uniforms, the team was laughing and joking until Coach came in for his pre-game talk. Everything became serious and he gave us last minute instructions before leading us in a team prayer and heading back up on the court.

We lined up and ran out on the court to the cheers of our hometown crowd. It was exhilarating being back on the court with my team mates. I missed it so much when I moved away. Now I was back and I knew without a doubt that I would never leave Lake Vista or my friends again. No matter how complicated my life was or would become, this is where I belonged. After warm ups, we had a huddle before the starting buzzer.

Michelle, being the center, jumped for the ball to start the game. Our team had the shortest average player height in the state so no one expected Michelle to win the jump and she didn't. However, Rebecca got the tip from the other team and quickly made her way down the court. This was our strategy. We may have been short but we were quick and deadly on the fast break. We scored an easy lay up on this first run down the court and we were off to a good start.

Now I won't lie. Anyone who's played high school sports knows there are certain things a school works hard to get in their schedule. An easy team to play for opening season games and also for homecoming games. This night was no exception. The school we were playing was not much of a challenge but they did their best and it took us well past half time to cement the victory. It was a great way to start the season. Even though we were well ahead, I still didn't expect to see any floor time.

It was a complete surprise when Coach called my name for the first substitution. Rachel gave me a congratulatory slap and I ran to the scorekeeper's table to be called in. My only saving grace was that I knew the boys' team always went to start dressing for their game after our half time. So Josh or anyone else that might give me a hard time wouldn't be in the stands.

Within a few seconds I was subbed in for Michelle and couldn't get past the look she gave me when I went to high five her on my way in the game. Seriously, what was her deal? I didn't have time to give it much thought because I forgot about everything except remembering plays and covering on defense. Defense was still my favorite part of basketball.

The thought of being the one to stop a game winning shot had always meant more to me than being the one to make one. Though this game had no threat of needing me to do that I still managed to play my position well and guard the basket against two attempts. I even got a piece of the ball on one shot!

Basketball was quickly becoming just like singing, a place I could forget about everything and just feel good about being part of something bigger than me. It's funny how things happen. I had the best night; there was no drama. Just time with friends and then cheering for the guys' team while they trounced their opponent.

Rebecca, Ashley, Shelby, Tina, Lydia and I all went out after the game to town. We grabbed a bite and saw Hamilton driving around in his truck at one point and Rebecca yelled at him. He waved in his cool guy way and kept driving. I don't think he saw me because I was in the back seat. Eventually, Rebecca announced she had to go see Jacob before heading home and Tina did the same with her boyfriend. Ashley and I rode home together in her car and she dropped me off at my house around eleven. All I could think of was calling Josh and seeing what he thought of his first game of the season. When I opened the door, as if on cue, my phone rang.

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