Chapter 1 Where is He?

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"You can't do it, can you? After all this time, you still don't have it in..." Magione was interrupted by a banshee-like screech. He whipped around to confront whatever was coming at him.

"No...." Magione whispered in horror. He started to back away. Then there was a massive explosion, and the alleyway was filled with a whitish purple light. And then the alleyway was quiet once more.

Snart woke with a start and sat up. He had to look twice to make sure he was seeing things right. He was not where he was when he had fallen asleep.

"Where am I?" Snart thought, looking around. He stood and took another look around. That's when he realized where he was. He was at the Vanishing Point.

"Now how did I get back here?" He wondered aloud. He turned around and saw that he had been lying right next to the Oculus. Or what remained of it, rather.

"If Viggo or Nox did this...." Snart thought bitterly. He patted himself down and pulled out the Time Stone. He let out a sigh and disappeared. Snart walked down the hallway, towards his apartment. He pulled the handle but the door remained closed. Snart's brow furrowed.

"They never lock the door." He shrugged and pulled out his keys. He was so lost in thought he didn't even notice Barry exiting his apartment next door. Barry froze dead in his tracks.

"Snart?" Snart didn't even turn around.

"Good morning Barry."

"What're you doing here?" Snart slowly turned around.

"I.. Live here. You know, with my crazy roommates and the woman whom we all fear." The corner of Snart's mouth twitched as if it had tried to smile.

Barry had a blank expression on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Snart's mouth opened to say something but he closed it and pointed at Barry.

"Did they put you up to this?"


"Did Viggo and Nox put you up to this? 'Cause, if they did, you can knock it off. It isn't funny."

"Who's Viggo and Nox?" Snart looked at Barry for a moment.

"You really have no idea, do you?" Barry looked like he was considering what he was going to say next.

"Uh, Snart... You died a little over three years ago." Snart's face scrunched together.

"No, you see, I didn't, remember? Two years ago? Shannon saved me?" Barry's face remained blank.

Defenders of Central City, Book 14: Twisted ChainsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ