thirty-three: reminisce

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, go on," Jeongguk said and Taehyung rolled his eyes with a smile. There was never a normal moment for these two.

"When I thought I lost you forever, I could only think about all the memories I still had to create with you. I wanted to build a family with you, run our kingdom together, be happy and in love for the rest of our lives, but it all came crashing down in that one second. I've realized how precious our time together is and I won't put this off for any longer. My heart is and always will be yours, there is no doubt in my mind about that."

Jeongguk's eyes began to tear up, no matter how hard he tried to fight against it. So did Taehyung's as he recalled having his lover's limp body in his arms. Jeongguk placed a hand over Taehyung's cheek, giving him the warmth to continue.

"Jeongguk Jeon, will you marry me?" Taehyung asked, pulling out Jeongguk's ring.

Jeongguk nodded first. "I want to to build a family with you too, ever since you painted that beautiful future for me on the balcony that night. I was afraid of how deep my heart desired it. I don't think I've wanted anything as much as I want this life with you, Taehyung. Of course I'll marry you."

Taehyung smiled wide as he slipped on the ring to his his finger. Jeongguk took a hold of the other in the box and slid it over Taehyung's. He set the box aside and embraced Jeongguk again, followed by a sweet kiss.

"You just made me the happiest elf on Elvador," Taehyung said against the younger's lips.

"Great! Gotta do what I gotta do to stay alive," Jeongguk joked.

Taehyung rolled his eyes again, capturing his lips once more before pushing him down on the bed. They laid down together, just staring into each other's eyes wanting the moment to last forever. It was crazy to think that not too long ago, Taehyung shamelessly flirted with Jeongguk just to get him riled up. Jeongguk would then tell him to concentrate on their training or scold him on his childish behaviour. Now they were there, at the end of war after facing so much, back in their peaceful world and very much in love. Jeongguk's eyes glowed blue, the brightest its glowed. So bright that Jeongguk could see it in Taehyung's eyes too.

"You're really in love with me, huh?" Taehyung whispered, playing with the ends of Jeongguk's hair. It had gotten much longer than the first time they met. So much has changed from that first meeting.

"Did you need my eyes to confirm that?" Jeongguk replied and Taehyung nodded.

"Well you did seem to hate me the first time we met," Taehyung said and Jeongguk couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't hate you," Jeongguk said in a sing-song tone. "I'd never hate you. I just didn't expect you to be so flirtatious. And, I was, you know, nervous to meet you again after all those years," the younger explained and exhaled a loud sigh. "Scared you wouldn't like the elf I'd grown to be."

"Boy were you wrong," Taehyung, pressing a kiss to his fiance's cheek because why not. "Very wrong. I love you."

Jeongguk chuckled. "As do I, my love," he said, connecting their lips again but this time, he didn't have any plans to pull away.


Taehyung walked down the dungeon halls with a straight posture, preparing himself for the elf he was about to face. The elf that had taken almost everything from him, nearly Jeongguk too. He was the reason he'd been sent to Earth in the first place. Namjoon followed right behind him but had no intention to the enter the room with him. He opened the door and Namjoon closed it for him.

Behind the protective transparent barrier was Zorock sitting on a bench reading a book as if he hadn't just lost a war. He flipped the page but Taehyung could tell he stopped reading.

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