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"We loved with a love that was more than love." -Edgar Allan Poe.

It was her last resort she chanted to herself. Because no amount of money and status she had would be able to buy her the freedom she needed. And so she needed him. And she could only pray to God that somehow he would understand her desperation and help her. That he could see something anything in her sanity and agree to go ahead with her batshit crazy proposal. Because if not the darkness that consumed her would be an endless black hole where she'd never be able to climb out from.

She knew it was pure insanity. On the run she had been driving for endless hours from Chicago to his San Francisco home. It was the only home she knew of his, and where she was sure he was. And so even though her eyes were red from crying, her stomach grumbles from not having eaten anything but a granola bar and her body hurting from stiffness, she carried on driving at 3:30 in the morning through torrential rain that she could barely see through, pass the gated houses and up through the curved road that led to the mansion that was more a fitted that sat cliff side. Not a I got thing had changed about it. The bricks were the same colour as the cliff and integrated in making it look like a part of it. It stood four stories high, with large floor to ceiling windows that let enough sun in that they rarely needed heating. But as she stared at it today, with more than half the lights off, it felt ominous. Haunted, and tainted, just like the broken man inside.

He was dog tired. But no matter how much he tossed and turned Cillian just couldn't fall asleep. The sound of waves crashing as the storm outside was starting to worsen didn't help in calming him and lulling him to sleep. No, his head ran with ideas and deal after deal. He felt pure white fury wash over him at the thought of the fucking mess his father had left him with. And even though Cathal and Niamh had taken their official positions within the company it was hard for him to loosen the reigns and overshadow their each and every move. And on top of it all now they had a fucking agent on them. Because daddy dearest just couldn't help getting into bed with a cartel. And not to mention the strain between siblings. Because now the common enemy was gone, they were struggling to stay afloat and it didn't help that more often than not he saw the way they looked at him. Like he was their father.

He slipped away from under the silk sheets, grabbing a pair of joggers. Opening the balcony door, the whoosh was more amplified by the sea was of the night, he walked up to the railing. Leaning against it he let the coldness of the night wash over him. The strong wind against messing his hair, bringing raindrops that hit him hard gassing his bare chest. He tried to bring his mind and body some peace. Although hypothermia would probably come before that.

The spotlights illuminated the house. And she could spot the guards and dogs doing a routine check through the gardens. Her teeth chattered as she prayed that she would be let in, no one had answered the intercom yet. She knew they would be able to see her through it and she hoped although she was soaked to the bone and that the rain made it hard to see they could see her. And she felt the first speck of hope when a hello rang through.

"Úna Im" her name could be barely heard over the chattering of her teeth.

Cillian never enjoyed sleeping when there was a storm in the horizon. Even after all these years it made him restless and made him miss his mother all that much more. She was his best friend. So quietly as if it wasn't his home he tiptoed across the floor, missing the floorboard that groaned before sliding the balcony door open. He was just stood there, smelling the wet earth that one count could when it rained. And watched the raging waves not far from him. He didn't know which was more violative in the moment. His emotions and memories or the waves as both seemed to be warring.

He heard the soft knock on his door followed by a sigh. Only his butler would ever come in here like that. He was the last connection to his mother minus Cathal who was still very much a stranger to him after his prodigal return six months ago.

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