Pretty distractions

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"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." -Alice in Wonderland.

Her eyes just started to drift close. The last time she look at the time it was way past three in the morning. Which meant she would be dead on her feet tomorrow because she had to be up by eight at the very latest. She snuggled further into her blankets, for hot days the nights sure got chilly. She smiled a serene smile, just as her phone buzzed her awake.

Disorientation. A growing head ache. Tired to her bone. It started her and she glared at the thing on her bedside table choosing she would ignore it. Turning she tried to turn her brain off. Again. But the stupid thing wouldn't stop. Whoever was on the other side was incessant. She huffed, screaming into her pillow before turning back around. Propping herself up on one arm she almost blinded herself with the light from her phone before her gaze settled. She couldn't help the heavy sigh that escaped her lips. Her sister was asking for death. As she opened the messages, thirty-two to be exact the phone rang again. She swiped before the first ring could even end.

"Sera" her sister cried into the phone.

She was immediately on alert. Her sister always cried, but never drunk cried. And she was as wasted as a human could get if her slurring and crying was anything to go by.

"Femi? Are you okay?" She tried to sound as calm as she could feeling her mother mode come in.

"I'm tired, I wanna come home" she whined.

It took everything in her to not grind her teeth as she screwed her eyes shut tight. She opened on an exhale praying to god to give her strength.

"And Where's your little boyfriend," She spoke through clenched teeth.

"Get off your high horse Sera, you're only eight months older than me!" She saw the eye roll through the phone.

"Mimi, cut the attitude of you want me to come get you." She spoke as if her mother.

"Tell me where you are." She cut off her little sister before Femi got riled up and they would be arguing on the phone for the next hour.

The fogginess in her head cleared a little that she could function barely. Her eyes adjusted to the dark she slipped out of bad moving to her cupboard.

"The usual, be quick will you!" Her sister screamed.

Sera had to physically move the phone from her ear if she didn't want to go deaf, and promised she would murder her sibling as soon as she was hungover. There was only one place that would be up ok matter what time of the night or day with people hanging about. She knew exactly where she was and sighed.

"Hey! The Satan's spawn continued through the phone.

"What," she screamed back.

"Not you, you!" She screamed and Sera went still.

A screaming Femi meant her sibling would be scratched the hell up but the other girl would probably have a broken nose.

"Oh no you don't" was the last thing she heard before the line cut.

"Mimi?" She tried. "Fuck!"

She didn't know how long she stood before autopilot took over. Somehow managing to throw on a pair of socks that were clean and a pair of running shoes she ran down and straight to the door. Pulling it open she saw the car was gone. She stringed together a load of words that if her grandmother were still alive and here today would wash it out with soap. Literally.

She took one step out knowing she would have to run the whole way, before halting and pivoting for her set of house keys. Running up the stairs her room she grabbed them off her desk before descending again. Making sure the front door was locked. She peered into quiet lit streets. Not exactly ideal nor safe to run. But her sibling needed her. And the inside roads were quicker than the main to get there in twenty minute rather than thirty.

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