049. Archery and Campfire Songs

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"Can kids even do that?" Gemini nodded to her brother's question. "I'm down for that, all in favour?" They all raised their hands.

"Archery it is then." Clint smirked happily that this would be one activity he was in charge for.

"Get ready for Nate and Theo to either shoot themselves or each other." Toni warned everyone, getting up and walking away.


Stood in an open field, Gemini watched as Clint taught Taury how to properly hold the bow. She knew how much he was loving the opportunity to teach everyone to shoot this weapon.

She watched Bucky scratch at the arm guard around his arm. She smirked, tapping his shoulder and helping him when he turned. He smirked, quite unsurprised that she knew how to fix this sort of thing.

"You should've said if it was too tight on your arm." She explained to him, looking back up to him as he tilted his head, shrugging slightly.

"Didn't want to bother getting another. Thank you though." She smirked, kissing his cheek. "You okay?" She nodded. "You've been more quiet than usual." She pointed to her throat jokingly making him smile. "You know what I mean, not much signing." 

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm okay, my neck's just hurting a bit." He placed his hand on the back of her neck, running his hand over it until she nodded. He rubbed his thumb into her neck as she smiled at him. When he stopped she thanked him, pulling herself into a hug with him.

Kissing her head, he mumbled into her hair. "Love you, doll." 

"Love you too, bub." She replied as Taury came jogging over to her, bow in hand. 

She handed it to her. "Clint says you can go after Nate." She pointed to her friend's brother holding the bow.

"Who the hell gave that man a bow?" She asked Taury, despair and concern written on her face.

"Clint did." Taury snitched on him, pointing to the older man.

"Get Theo away from Nate, otherwise he might accidentally get shot." She warned the woman, whistling to her own brother. He came running over, knowing exactly why she called him. Thanking the two girls jokingly.

Once Nate had finished shooting the arrows into the target, Gemini walked up. Being handed the arrows, Gemini put one into the bow, pulling back the drawstring.

Aiming towards the target, she let the string go, the arrow flying through the sky and embedding into the second yellow. She loaded the next arrow pulling back the string and aiming in the same way. The second arrow embedded just below the first in the second yellow.

Clint was shocked to see Gemini so skilled with something he had never taught her. He was still very impressed by it. She loaded the last arrow, pulling back the drawstring one last time before letting it go. The arrow managed to stick in the first yellow circle, right in the bullseye.

Taury and Joe cheered for the girl as she placed the bow in the grass, holding her arms up proudly.

The others seemed shocked at another one of the quiet woman's hidden skills. She picked up the bow, handing it back to Clint before walking away from the target.

"Can somebody please tell Gemini to stop showing off her capability with everything?" Sam asked, still surprised.

"Not gonna happen, Sam." Joe told him, sitting down in the dry grass.

"Why not?" He asked him.

Pointing to Gemini. "Cause she likes to show up former solders and kick their asses." She nodded in agreement, dancing jokingly backwards and into Bucky's chest. She looked up to him, smirking.

Speechless- B*BARNESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang