Luxor and Saint

16 1 0

**Collaboration with KnightAnnabeth***

      Luxor smiles, hazel eyes watching the team wrap up their training for the day, looking down at the stats for the day. The thunder and lightning outside hadn't phased anyone either. 

      "Saint. You're in top form lately. I think we'll win the next match." He praises their ace player as Saint avoids contact with the other boisterous players during clean up.

       Saint slips away from the group, throwing the ball over to where it belonged. "I'm sure we will." He says, glancing at the papers Luxor was holding, his grey eyes glinting with some pride. "I've got us covered."

        "So confident. But you sure can back it up...'" Luxor pauses as everything goes dark. "Looks like the storm is too much even for the city... Let's get one of the doors open for some air. You guys need it ."

        "So much for a sunny day." Saint mutters, watching one of the guys run over and open the door. It didn't do much to let any light in. "That's worse than I expected." 

         "These ones that they don't predict do seem to be getting worse..." Luxor frowns. "Can't even make out the lab through this..."

         Saint nods, watching the rain. "Guess I'll be here for a while. Don't think I'd enjoy the trip home in this."

         "Probably for the best." Luxor agrees watching the rain. There's a few flashes of light from the direction of the lab, before an explosion rips through the rain, a shockwave knocking everyone down. "Fuckin hell?!"

         "The hell was that?" Saint sits up, looking out the door that had been opened. He could see a fire now burning through the right wing of the lab. "That can't be good."

         Luxor sits up, looking at the flames, "The lab.... We need to get away from there in case it blows some more." He calls out to the other players, getting up quickly.

         Saint gathers his stuff, following everyone out of the gym. No sooner they step outside, a third explosion sounds, blowing out the windows inside. "Jesus. Where do we go? Not like we can get terribly far in this weather."

         "Let's get on the bus and get out of the area." Luxor tells them swiftly, leading for the parking lot.

         Saint follows behind the group, keeping an eye on everyone to make sure no one gets separated. Once they find a bus, everyone gets on, filling in the seats. Once he is finally able to sit down, Saint looks in the direction of the lab, seeing a dark column of smoke rising into the sky. By now the whole building was destroyed.

         Luxor closes the door as the wind seems to screech inhumanly. A chill goes down his spine and he swiftly starts the bus, leaving the parking lot and moving away from the lab steadily, trying to see through the heavy rain. Some of the players were starting to cough, gag even. Was there something in the air affecting them?

          Seeing that some of the others were starting to cough and gasp, Saint pulls his shirt over his mouth and nose. He stands, holding onto the seats to keep balance so he could go check on some of the others. They were coughing so badly though that they couldn't really tell him why or what was wrong.

          Luxor frowns, slowing further as cars soon block the way, some people running by, others shuffling oddly. "Where can I go..." He mutters looking around. Something hits the side of the bus making him stiffen and look back to see something black piercing the glass into a player's head. "Malcolm!" He shouts in horror as the black claw-like object jerks back out and a long slender tongue comes through the hole, lapping at the blood. The others begin to shout and panic at that, getting up and moving from that side of the bus in alarm. Luxor looks around, pulling out the safety box beneath the seat and opening it to load the flare gun.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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