The final bell rang.

Alfred was waiting for Damian as he always did, greeting the billionaire heir familiarly.

"How was your day, Master Damian?"

"Let's just get home, Pennyworth, I need to speak with Drake." Alfred shut the door behind Damian, discreetly nodding to Marinette, who had waved. After the butler took his spot in the driver's seat, he drove directly to the manor. Traffic was moderate and the weather normal for Gotham, thick clouds sporadically blocking out the limited sunlight that was able to stream between the tall skyscrapers.

When Damian finally arrived at Wayne Manor, he walked straight to his youngest older brother's room. He wasn't there. The fourth robin then made his way to the old grandfather clock and to the bat-cave.

"DRAKE?" Damian called, he heard someone jump as if they'd been taken by surprise, with a roll of his eyes Damian approached a disheveled Red Robin, his mask on the desk in front of him. It looked as if the hero had been sleeping, it certainly wasn't beneath him.

"What are you doing?"

"B has me trying to find the new hero girl, but-"

"You can't get her face on video." Damian finished.

"No! That's the thing, I have it from all sorts of angles but I've run it against everything and it's like she doesn't exist! I mean sure her mask does something but we even got a clear shot of her earlobe, those are just as- if not more- unique than fingerprints! And I couldn't find a match anywhere- I've run it through everything. Even google! Anyways, what do you want?"

"I need a favor." Damian said plainly, Drake looked hesitant if not suspicious.

"... What is it?" Damian described what he needed and asked if it was possible, if the third boy wonder could do it in the allotted amount of time.

"I'll do you one better, it'll be so bad not even I'll be able to stand it." Damian smirked, perfect.

"Good, I need to study. Goodbye." Damian walked away but saw Tim running towards where they held all the lab equipment. Hopefully, Drake will come through with his promise.

Robin was paired with Red Hood for patrol that night, to both their dismay. As they raced along the silent rooftops of Gotham, out of the corner of the younger vigilante's eye, he saw someone swinging by a few blocks across.

"I've got a visual on Ladybird." Red Hood followed as Robin adjusted course to follow the girl; she had been priority number one in the last few days since all the major criminals were behind bars. Ladybird was at first patrolling normally until she started heading towards a less populated area of the city. As they neared the area close to where Grayson first interacted with the girl, she suddenly took a hard right and dropped into an alley. If that's how she lost Nightwing, Robin would be disappointed in his oldest brother.

Red Hood and Robin slowly neared, they heard a commotion- girls crying, men grunting, and the sound of hits landing. When the two heroes neared they saw Ladybird fighting men four to one and winning. Red Hood pulled out a recording device and focused it on the fight, motioning for Robin to stay and see how she handled the situation.

The so called 'hero' Ladybird had incapacitated the three smaller men, only one remained. He was a tall, buff, bald man.

"Bring it on, Bat Brat." The man charged, the girl almost looked like she didn't want to have to fight the man.

"Don't you have any family?" Ladybird dodged, jumping over the man. She took his moment of disorientation to handcuff the first of the three unconscious men. She used solid red colored cuffs.

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