1. Proposal???

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Hey Y/n!


Get yo lazy a- outta bed and meet me at the coffee shop in one hour


                  Aight, if I'm here before 9:30 everything is on you.

Aight bet  

Y/n P.O.V:

I'm going to meet Namjoon at our usual café, right now it is 9.08am, I have a few minutes left.

I met Namjoon when I was 8, I transferred to a new school from Busan to Seoul. I didn't have any friends at first, just one guy that picked on me. Joon swooped in and gave me someone to call a friend.

Anyway him and Jin. Jin was a nice boy, he helped me through my ups and downs. A very handsome person I must admit, he was scouted by NT entertainment a few days ago, though he admitted he wouldn't like to be an idol, he has the talent but he chooses not to audition, I can't blame him, I've heard that some companies treat their idols terribly.

Im quite glad that he hasn't decided to audition, call me selfish but I honestly don't know what I would do without him, Namjoon shares my feelings on that.

I arrived after walking, it took about five minutes, it was 9:27am and I guess I won the bet, only just, but I won. Namjoon arrived almost as soon as I took a seat, I smirked as he playfully scowled at me. As he sat down in front of me I cheekily asked if he would buy me the cinnamon iced coffee, the most expensive drink on the menu, with two cherry sugar glazed donuts. The blue haired man sighed in defeat as he dragged his feet to the counter to order.

My eyes travelled along the landscape outside of the glass window, a blanket of white snow covered the streets as icicles as sharp as spears hung from ceilings outside of buildings, my mind travelled to his angered face, it's been three years, his angered voice and the piercing sound of glass hitting the floor filled my head. I sighed, I shouldn't think about him now, I have Kai. I love him, he treats me well. In two years we have only really fought once. It was over our dog, he had to be put down and he was like Kais best friend. It was hard.

We have a new dog, Elkie, a brown and white border collie with a cheerful aura.

I was abruptly snapped out of my thoughts by Namjoon, who had returned to our table with a tray of drinks and snacks, I smiled and thanked him, in which he replied with 'no problem, though next time it's on you' as he grinned evily, I acted shocked

'I can't believe you would do this' I gasped in mock shock (hehe) as I clutched the chest area of my shirt dramatically.

Joon sat down as he carefully placed the tray of goodies on the table. He had ordered a hot chocolate with marshmallows and a brownie, (that's actually my order every time I go to a coffee shop :P) I shook my head and silently giggled, he is such a child sometimes.

'So how have you been lately?' The blue haired man asked

'Really joon? That's friends talk' I rolled my eyes and grinned

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