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This is very much just me messing around with a new writing style. Not at all sure how to feel about it. enjoy :)

"Hello?" A-troupe are sitting in Studio A, awaiting Nick. They're supposed to have a rehearsal right about now, but the new Studio Owner isn't exactly punctual. A voice drifts in from around the corner, the entrance to the Studio. For Piper, it's expected. However, for some other members of the troupe, it's a startling sound. That voice was so...familiar. It sounded like...but it couldn't be.

"Alfie!" The brunette who had arranged his visit rushes to greet him. Amy raises her eyebrows as he comes into view. Henry shifts, unsure of how to react, and Richelle folds her arms, as if in defence.

See, Piper had being doing a lot of reflective thinking lately, especially after the whole Finn and Amy situation. And her mind had naturally latched on to the only similar experience it had, Riley and Alfie. She realised how horribly she'd treated him, now that she had been in his position and was determined to make amends. Even if they were already on acquaintance level terms.

Upon seeing him, guilt is a river flowing through her. She'd explained on the phone, but still,

"I'm sorry. I'm so glad that you're here."
"Piper, you have nothing to apologise for. I'm lucky to have been given a second chance, by you."
"Guys," She introduces, "As some of you know, this is Alfie. He used to be on A-troupe. Him and I weren't exactly friends for...reasons, but now I know that I misjudged him, so I invited him here, for a day."

Finn nods. He remembered this guy from Christmas, but his girlfriend had seemed nowhere near as fond of him.

"Miss Amy," The man of the hour says, giving her a small hug, which she returns, "I heard you have had your heart broken again," He eyes Henry, "but that now it is healed."
"Yes," She replies, "This year has been tough, but I'm where I'm supposed to be now. It's good to see you."
"Hey, bro." Henry high fives him. He has no reason to dislike Alfie, he decides,  especially now that Piper emphasises with him. They were good friends that year. "How you been?"
"Wonderful. I'm back into dance, I've been choreographing."
"His choreo is amazing." Piper smiles.
"I remember it." Richelle speaks up, "It was pretty cool." Her and Alfie...well, she was indifferent towards him. He was an old teammate. For her, that's where their relationship ended.
"Ah, Richelle, thank you. Dance Captain yet?" As she shakes her head, he feels as though as he's struck a nerve.
"I brought the team a present," He says, cutting the tension.
"Oh," Ozzy responds excitedly, "Man, I don't know you well, but I do like those."
Alfie chuckles.
"Come on in." He calls, seemingly to the door.

The whole team lights up as their 'present' enters. There's claps and cheers and gasps.
"Noah!" Richelle throws her arms around her friend.
"Hey, guys!"
"We missed you! Long time no see!"
"Aw, I missed you too, Kingston. All of you."
"You didn't tell me about this!" Piper snaps at Alfie, jokingly. He simply shrugs.
"I hope I'm a good surprise." Noah muses.
"Of course!" She says, pulling him in for a hug. She's happy to see him. She'd been messaging him and he'd offered a lot of advice about her experience.
"Hey, how's the professional world?" Finn inquires, cheerful. It feels enlightening to have their previous Dance Captain back in the Studio.
"It's great. I just got a part in a West Side Story production."
"That's so awesome!" Ozzy exclaims.
"It's a classic!" Kenzie nods approvingly. Summer agrees.
"Wow," Finn grins. Noah steps closer to him.

"Hey, buddy, I'm sorry." He starts.
"For what?" Finn is confused.
"This." He finishes.

And then he punches him in the face, hard.

Finn swears as he nearly trips backwards from the impact. That hurt. A lot.
"Wha-" Piper is at a loss for words. Noah wasn't violent. She rushes over to him.
"I didn't see that coming!" Kenzie remarks.
"Okay, why?" Finn groans.
"Good question." Alfie looks at Noah, appalled and slightly embarrassed. Trust his gift to cause such a commotion.
"For hurting Amy. And Piper." Noah explains.
"Fair enough." He winces from the pain. Noah's impressed. He took that well. Maybe he stood a chance against James.
"Finally! Someone did it!" Henry whoops, but Amy nudges him, shutting him up. A smile tugs at Alfie's mouth.
"Here." Summer hands her teammate an ice-pack from the office. He presses it to his cheek, where a purple bruise is beginning to blossom.

"So, are you going to hit me too?"
"What?" Amy, Noah, Finn, and Alfie say at the same time.
"Well, I hurt Amy as well." Piper finds herself smiling as she walks forward. "So, Noah, when are you going to hit me?"
"Don't you dare." Finn threatens. He looks at her like she's crazy. Which she probably is.
Noah looks dumbfounded.
"Piper..." Amy's sentence remains unfinished.
"I'm not going to lay a hand on you." Noah finally says.
She takes another step forward and another, until she can smell his crisp, icy aftershave.
"Hit me." She challenges. She was really surprising him today. Noah is actually...proud of this newfound confidence in her. The old Piper would never. Maybe it was Finn. He was rubbing off on her.
"No," He says plainly.
"Do it."
"Ok, this is brilliant." Lily comments.
"Go on then."
"You're like my sister, I'm not going to hit you." He says, firmly.
"Fine," She gives in, "but then don't touch my boyfriend."

"Ohhh," Henry genuinely starts to applaud her, "Pipes, I didn't know you had it in you."
"Pipes?" She questions. He puts his hands up.
"That was fierce, Piper. Good for you." Richelle puts a hand on her shoulder.
"I think you're ready for your older brother." Alfie says, after some thought. 
"I agree. And hey," Noah turns to Finn, "Sorry, again. But consider it practice. James is likely going to do a lot worse."
"Thanks, then." Finn manages a smile, "To think that I missed you."
"Touché." Noah laughs.
"And Pipes," He faces his girlfriend, "You want to explain yourself?"
"We're a team now. Someone messes with you, they mess with me." She runs a hand through his hair.

This girl.

Thank you for reading!


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