Johnny Depp #8: Part 2

Start from the beginning

Me: 🤔 Damn, I really don't know. What about you?

Johnny: Nothing...Hang on, I've got an idea!

Me: What?

Johnny: We could do bowling if you'd like.

Me: That's sounds cool. I mean, would you be down to do that as our day out?

Johnny: Sure, would you?

Me: Yeah totally.

Johnny: Awesome. We could eat and then do something else after. I bet we'd bowl our way to success playing.

Me: 😂😂😂😂 That's the worst fucking joke I've ever heard of.

Johnny: 😂 Then why r you laughing?

Me: Because it's such a stupid joke.

Johnny: Lol. You love my jokes really.

Me: Only when they're funny, lol.

Johnny: Lol. U love me really.

I know, but that's my little secret.

Me: Yh, I know. But anyway, what time do you want to meet up?

Johnny: Tomorrow at eleven?

Me: Um, sure. But, I'm paying.

Johnny: Don't be silly, I'll pay.

Me: No, Iam.

Johnny: Iam.

Me: Meeeeee!

Johnny: Meeeee!

Me: Meeeeeee!

Johnny: Yoooouuuu!

Me: Yooooouuuu!

Johnny: Well that's settled, I'm paying.

Me: Shit. Can't believe I fell 4 that.

Johnny: Lol.

Me: But ok, if you insist...

Johnny: I do. Ok, I've got to go now, the guys want me for something.

Me: Alright. Thanks again. I'll see you at eleven o'clock.

Johnny: U 2. Not if I get there first ;)

Me: Lol. I bet u a bottle of wine and a whole twenty quid that I win.

Johnny: Aren't you a little young to drink?

Me: A bit. Ok, I bet you just the twenty pounds.

Johnny: You're on. Ok sweetheart, I'll see u tomorrow. Bye xxx

Me: Bye - I'm still going to win x

Johnny: Cheeky. Bye xxx

Me: Bai xxx


The next day:

It was quarter to eleven when I arrived at the bowling alley that we'd both agreed on. I couldn't see Johnny, which meant that I had won the bet.
Ha ha!
Needless to say, I was really pleased with this outcome. I was quite excited to see him, so I went inside the building and waited patiently for him.

I waited...and waited...and waited...and waited.

Quarter to eleven had been and gone. Had he bailed? Of course not, this is Johnny Depp we're talking about.
I was bored waiting for Johnny, so I decided to close my eyes for a bit and have a...

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