Mortdecai #1

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***Imagine being Charlie Mortdecai's wife***

It'd been a long time since I'd been through my jewellery box, so I decided today would be a good day to do just that.

I stood up from my desk (I'd been writing a letter to my mother. She was constantly asking me if my and Charlie's (he's my husband), relationship was ok).


Anyway, here's what I'd written:

Dear Mum,

I and Charlie are doing fine. Please stop asking, it's costing us a lot of stamps. There is something called a telephone, by the way, so use that instead would you?

Our relationship is great. If it wasn't I would be at home already eating pizza and ice cream, watching TV in my pyjamas.
Remember, I'm married now?

He's taken good care of me and I've taken good care of him too. Please stop worrying about me, I'm fine honestly.

On a much happier note, I'm happier than I've ever been with him.
What about you and dad?

Love you both and miss you very much.

Love Y/N xxxx

Ps: Use the telephone to reply.

Ok, so maybe my letter wasn't the nicest, but I'm trying to be truthful. I was bought up that way after all.

Anyway, I keep my jewellery box on top of my wardrobe (it's got my favourite jewellery in it. Some of the jewellery I've had since I was a little girl).
I need a stool to get my jewellery box down, so a stool I shall get....from the bathroom.

I opened my bedroom door and quickly hurried into the bathroom across the landing. The bathroom was painted white and covered in gold-coloured bathroom tiles.
I spotted the wooden stool next to the toilet, (I couldn't understand why it was there in the first place), but Charlie insisted that it stay there.
Well, I wasn't going to argue, but.....

As I retreated from the bathroom, (stool in hand), I heard my husband's voice echo loudly through the hallway.

"JOCKY!!!" I heard him yell.

"Hi, Jock." I sighed, to the tall man hurrying quickly along the hall.
Jock was tall and had quite a muscular build. He had little hair and had a scar on his forehead.

"Hello, madam, what you doing with that stool?"

"Getting something from my bedroom," I say. "What's Charlie yelling about this time?"

"No idea. That's why I'm going to find out."

"JOCKY!!!" I heard my husband yell again.

We both sighed.
"Well, I must be going." And with that Jock hurried off down the hallway and to goodness knows where.

I opened my bedroom door, placed my stool in front of the wardrobe and climbed on top of it. (I climbed on top of the stool, not the wardrobe. Obviously duh).

I stretched my hand as far as it could go, only grabbing at air and dust.
I groped about for the box for a few minutes then -


Found it!

I pulled the box towards me and pulled it off the top of the wardrobe.
Once I had a hold of it, I jumped off the stool and onto the soft cream carpeted floor.

I walked over to my bed and sat down on the white silk duvet. I plumped my pillows and sat against the headboard.
I then clicked open my jewellery box.

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