Johnny Depp #2

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It's fall and you and Johnny are cuddled up on the big brown sofa in the living room, a thick fluffy blanket covering both of you.

The wind is blowing violently outside in the charcoal black night; the autumn leaves are coloured chocolate brown, sunshine yellow, blood red, tangerine orange and dark lime green. They dance about in the breeze, before gently falling into the pool.

The fire roars, an orangey-red glow lighting up the room. You're watching your favourite Disney film on the flat plasma screen TV.

Both of you are clutching steaming mugs of hot chocolate in your hands. Little pink and white marshmallows float around in your mugs like little boats.

The small side lamps glow gold; they flicker around the room as the two of you watch the film. You shiver slightly, even though the blanket is pulled up to your chin and the fire is roaring away.

"You cold Y/N?" Asks Johnny kindly.
You nod and cuddle up to him, trying your best to stop your mug from tipping over and burning him.
Strands of your hair fall over your forehead as you bend your head to sip your drink. You giggle because your hair is tickling your nose.

You and Johnny sip your hot chocolate slowly, as usual, you always finish first. The marshmallows in your cup have melted and a sticky pink and white goo is now all that is left at the bottom of it. You stick your index finger as far as it can go into the mug and desperately try to get the sticky stuff out. Eventually, you get most of it out and lick the melted marshmallow off your fingers.

Johnny looks at you curiously, wondering what you're doing. He chuckles when he sees what you're doing. "Do I make that much good of a hot chocolate?" He asks you, as you continue licking your fingers.

You nod and smile, as you set your now empty mug down on the white coffee table. Then you lean back into the sofa and pull the cover further over you, your head almost disappearing from view.
"What?" You ask confused, chocolate smeared all around your mouth.

"I am pleased to know that you approve of my hot chocolate making skills, but I think we should keep some baby wipes around for you," Johnny says jokingly. He is just teasing, but he's also kind of serious at the same time.

"Where are you going?" You ask, sitting up, your feet furled beneath you, the soft blanket wrapped around your shoulders.

"I'm just nipping upstairs to get something." He says.

You smile to yourself as he leaves. Johnny Depp, the sweetest, most caring and down to earth guy was yours. Even when he was off filming, he was still in your heart and you in his. Nothing and nobody could ever replace him.

You turn your attention back to the film and continue watching the TV.

You are so engrossed in the film, that you don't hear the living room door creak open or Johnny sneaking up behind you, a pack of baby wipes in his hands.

"Boo!" He shouts from behind you.

You jump, completely startled. You certainly weren't expecting that.
"Jesus Christ! Don't do that, Johnny!" You shout, a big smile growing on the side of your mouth.

He smirks as he sits down next to you and pulls you into a big bear hug.

"Come here, sweetheart," he says, pulling out of the hug and taking a wipe from the packet. "Let's clean that stain from around your mouth."

You giggle as he wipes the stain from around your mouth. "There," he says, taking his hand away from your face and tossing the baby wipe into the bin. "All better."

The areas around your mouth no longer have the hot chocolate stain around them, which is good, because it was starting to become itchy and sore.

Yawning, you give him another hug.

"What time is it, Johnny?" You ask after you've been hugging him for a few minutes.

"I'll check," says Johnny, his right hand still on your back whilst he raises his other hand to check his brown leather watch.
Johnny's watch read 9:30 pm.
"Nine thirty."
Johnny puts his watch hand back around you and continues to hug you. He rocks you slowly from side to side, like how a mother does to her baby to try and get it to sleep as it lays in its cot.

You soon start to yawn, your grip on Johnny loosening a bit.
"I think someone needs to have an early sleep," Johnny whispers into your ear. "Come on."

You slowly let go of him and you both stand up off the sofa. He turns off the telly, puts out the fire, pulls the purple velvet curtains shut and turns off the lamps.
You both take your dirty, empty mugs into the kitchen, where you wash up the mugs as he fills up two glasses of ice-cold water for both of you.

The two of you then trudge your way up the winding grey carpeted staircase to your and Johnny's bedroom.
He sets the water glasses down on both bedside tables as you grab your pyjamas and get changed into them in the bathroom. You brush and floss your teeth once you're changed. You also take the liberty to brush your H/C hair whilst you are there.

When you're done, you pick up your clothes and deposit them into the laundry bin.
Your breath tingles with minty freshness.

As you exit the bathroom, you see the bedroom curtains already pulled shut. Johnny is sitting at the dressing table and you gaze at him for a few moments, wondering what you ever did to deserve him. He is already in his pyjamas and is combing his dark brown coloured hair.

When he notices you staring at him, he drops the comb, gets up and jokingly bows deeply, to which you giggle and drop into an equally deep curtsey in response.
He kisses your hand and says in a posh voice: "I'm Johnny Depp, pleased to meet you, m'lady."

Johnny by name, Johnny by nature.

You roll your eyes but play along. "Pleased to meet you, Mr Depp, I am Y/N. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." You say in the poshest voice you can manage, whilst politely shaking his hand.

You look at each other for several moments before bursting into fits of laughter. You and Johnny always joked around like this.

Walking over to the bed, you got in and pulled the crisp cold duvet over you. Johnny climbs in beside you and you both talk for a while before you wish each other goodnight. Johnny takes off his glasses and switches the light off. Then he wishes you goodnight.

"Goodnight. I love you." He whispers, turning the bedside lamp out.

You smile in the dark. "I love you too." You whisper back, turning onto your side and closing your eyes.

Johnny closes his eyes a couple of minutes after you.

Eventually, you both gradually fall asleep next to each other. Johnny and you sleep peacefully the entire night, dreaming good dreams.

***Hope you all enjoyed this***

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