Jack Sparrow #4

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***Warning: Slight mention of nudity - nothing major***

I looked down at the deep blue sea below me as I stood on the plank, my hands behind me, which were bound by decking rope.

I'd been standing there for several minutes, hesitant about jumping. I didn't really have a choice though. I'd been caught stealing, so my hands were tied and I was told that I had to walk the plank because I wasn't a worthy member of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

"What ye be waiting for?" Asked Captain Barbossa, his sword pointed at me.

"Oh - er - nothing." I lied, too chicken to tell him that I was scared about jumping.

"Well go on then." He said, slashing my bonds and jabbing his blade at an island not too far from where the ship was.

"But there are sharks!" I exclaimed, rubbing my sore wrists, trying not to think about potentially being a shark's next meal.

"Then you'll have to swim like the devil and hope that they don't get you. But if they don't there are the barnacles, it's like a thousand knives across your back."

I felt the colour drain from my face when I heard that.

Barbossa smirked when he saw how pale I'd gone.

"Now go,"

Then I remembered something.

"If you're booting me off the ship, then I have to have a pistol with a single shot."

"Aye, that be true. Quartermaster, bring forward Y/N's pistol."

The Quartermaster passed Barbossa my pistol which he threw to me.

"One pistol one shot."

I caught it and carefully put it in my pistol holder.

I turned around and walked gingerly to the end of the plank, trying to keep my balance and stop myself from falling off. As I stepped forward further, I felt my stomach tighten, my legs wobbling like jellies with all the anxiety that was building up in my body.

When I got to the end I stopped.

I looked behind me and looked at the captain and the crew pityingly. Barbossa nodded at me.

I'd only been stood there for ten seconds, when -

"Too long!" Shouted Gunner, stomping hard on the plank and making me lose balance and topple into the deep.

I screamed loudly as I plummeted downwards, but they were masked by the huge splash I made.

I gasped loudly as I came up for air, spluttering. Breathing heavily, I started swimming rapidly towards the island Barbossa had pointed out to me. Even though I was pretty sure I wouldn't get eaten or anything, I wasn't taking any chances.


When I got to the shore, I collapsed onto the sand and coughed up all the water I'd accidentally swallowed whilst I'd been swimming. I laid on the warm, golden sand for a few minutes and breathed in the fresh, crisp, salty air.
The tropical summer rays beat down upon my pale face and neck like I was standing (or in this case laying) in front of an open oven at full temp.

I pulled out my pistol and turned it over and over in my hands, pondering what I needed to do about my stranding situation.

I wasn't sure, but I was getting way too hot laying on the beach. I needed to find me a pool of water or something, cause I was absolutely pArChEd and most eDaCiOuS.
I hadn't had a drink or something to eat in forever, so...

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