Jack Sparrow #1

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***Going to try first person now. Enjoy 😘😘😘***

Was the coast clear? Yep.

I quickly and nimbly, snuck across the ship's deck and down the steps before anyone noticed me.

Oh sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, my apologies. My name is Y/N and I'm nineteen.
And in case you didn't know, it's five months till my twentieth birthday, but hey, who's counting?
I have deep E/C eyes and H/L H/C hair.
And did I forget to mention I'm a girl and a pirate?

I know, not many girl pirates, but who cares, it's my life and I can be whoever I want and do and say whatever I please.

Anyway, the ship I was sneaking off was called The Teardrop.
Not a very scary name right?
Well, that's what I thought until I was kidnapped by the pirate Captain Cutthroat, who gave me a right good whipping when I answered him back. (I won't tell you what I said that pissed him off, it was quite dirty.)
After I said the thing, he threw me in the Brigg, which was as easy as pie to escape from.

I told the guards that I needed the loo and oh ho, they played right into my hands.
As they let me out, I stabbed them hard, both through the stomach at the same time with my sword.
I played those pickles like a cheap violin.

As I walked across the dock in Tortuga, I admired all the ships. There were big ships, small ships and huge ships; all of them were different and unique.

Enough of admiring, I needed a ship where I could make a good quick getaway. The only problem was, I didn't know which ship was the fastest.

"Of course you do!" I told myself. "The Black Pearl is the fastest ship in the Caribbean."

Alright, all now I needed to do was find it.
I was so lost in my thoughts and what the Black Pearl would look like, that I bumped into someone.

I hit the dock floor with a thud. "Are you ok?" Asks a girl concernedly, helping me up and onto my feet.

I noticed she was about my age and was very pretty. She had long straight blond hair and brown eyes. She was also dressed in pirate clothes, I think we could be friends.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I breathed, as she helped me up, my arm slightly grazed.

"Alright, see you." She says, starting to walk away.

"Wait!" I called. "Do you know where the Black Pearl maybe?"

She stopped dead and turned around to face me. She smiled. "Yeah, I'm part of the crew. Do you want me to take you there, so you can join us?"

"Yes," I say, happily. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. I'm Elizabeth Swann." She says, holding out her hand to shake mine.

I took her hand too. "It's nice to meet you Elizabeth, I'm Y/N"

We continue talking as she takes me to the ship the Black Pearl. She links arms with me as we walk.
"Y/N?" She asks. "That's a nice name."

"Yeah, I guess it is." I chuckle. "So what is the crew like?" I ask, trying to change the subject and because I was eager to know more about the people I was going to be sailing with.

"Oh they're great, there aren't any nicer people, but who can you trust, accept your crew? What with the East India trading company trying to kill us all and the Royal Navy chasing us all around the Atlantic. Thankfully I've got you." Elizabeth says happily, squeezing my arm.

Excuse me? Did she just say that the East India trading company and the Royal Navy were trying to kill us all? Yep.
Well, I can't blame them really, we're pirates and they've wanted us all dead from day one.

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