Found Cpt 1

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It was the middle of winter and Christmas was nearing. The cold winter wind blew through the long hair of a mint colored country. She had taken a whale through a nearby forest. Snow boots crunching the snow every step she took. Grey clouds coated the sky, making it snow. Branches and twigs were heard being broken to the country's left, making her stop in her tracks, trying to sense any familiarity in the step, but she sensed none. This fact made her guard get put up. Whatever it was started running. The country changed her direction, following whatever it was, thinking she possibly misheard a deer for a person. They climbed a tree. This was obviously not a deer. She heard the tree they climbed up, she looked up that tree, meeting another's eye. Another country, an unknown, new country. When their gazes make the one up the tree jumped down and bolted out of there, the mint one followed suit. The stranger looked back, panicking once they saw that they were being followed and sped up. The mint one noticed an used strange sparks from her legs causing her to go faster without waisting energy. The country fell and for some unknown reason, curled up on the ground, causing the other to skid to a stop in front of the other. The one on the ground was shaking, scared, and mumbling words that most wouldn't know. The other, however, knew this language due to a friend.

"Shivle mai ka?(Who are you?)" She asked them. The other seemingly understood

"K-Ka?(w-who?)" The other nodded, waiting for the answer.

"S-Schlevia." They... She answered. The other softly smiled

"Fitari." She told Schlevia her own name. Schlevia stayed curled up in the snow. Fitari held out a hand as in to help the other. Schlevia hesitated for a second before talking Fitari's hand, being helped up. Once up Schlevia felt the cold immediately. Fitari, being observant, took off her coat and put it on Schlevia's shoulders. Luckily, Fitari had a sweater on underneath the coat. Fitari soon started walking back they way she came, Schlevia following behind.

15 minutes passed when they finally made it to the back of a house's backyard. The house itself was in a neighborhood. This shocked the newer country. She never new that civilization was so close by. Fitari walked to the back door of the house, waiting for the other to catch up. Once Schlevia caught up, and they went inside. Once inside, Schlevia sneezed, making the other three that were in the house to turn their attention to the two who just entered. One looked like Fitari, but the symbol was on it's side and was purple. One was a deep red with a golden circle in the middle with two darker golden circles inside. Dots of different shades of purple surrounding the golden one. The last one was a pale yellow with a teal star in the middle with darker colored dots at the points. Curved lines in between the dots. The last two looked to be the oldest of them. Schlevia was obviously nervous, backing away when they stared.

"Fitari, mashi Mai?(Fitari, whose this?)" The yellow one asked Fitari.

"Mika ni Schlevia.(she is Schlevia)" They spoke in a language that Schlevia couldn't understand, causing Schlevia to tilt her head out of confusion. They continued to speak in the unknown language. The purple one then walked up to Schlevia, wanting to be nice. Schlevia, not understanding the gesture, looked away, scared.

"Fikati, doko na.(Fikati, come here)" The red one called the purple one, Fikati, over. Schlevia sat down, still quite scared. The pale yellow one walked over and knelt in front of Schlevia. The pale one, now knowing the known information about Schlevia, spoke in the language that Schlevia could understand.

"Diakuni?(you okay?)" She asked. Schlevia nodded in reply.

"Moiki na?(are you hurt?)" She asked another question. This time Schlevia thought for a moment and shook her head.

"Kai ni aisho plora?(do you have a place to stay?)" This caused Schlevia to stop and think deeply.

"Niss.(no)" Was her answer.

Fragmented Truth [Countryhumans ocs fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now