They're watching

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I left Savannah's house early this morning to get back home. I had a couple of things to do before I head over to my moms's house. "Good morning Mr.Brown," my housemaid greeted me as I walk in. "Good morning," I give her a smile. "I know you said no guest in the house, but you have a visitor," she points to the living room. I scrunch up my face walking into the living room. "What are you doing here?" I ask Katrina. She's one of my old hoes I used to fuck with.

"I haven't heard from you in months," she got up from her seat meeting me halfway. We look each other in the eyes and I raise my eyebrow. "You know I don't like unannounced visitors," I say.

"And you know I don't like being pushed off," she playes with my shirt. I smirk grabbing her hands and placing them by her sides. "You know I'm in a relationship Trina," "I don't know why you went and decided to go get into a relationship," she sat down laughing. I only kept Trina around because she was cool and she gave immaculate top. "I'm a grown-ass man, remember," I chuckle still standing.

"Chris I miss you," she pouted. "I don't really know what to tell you Trina," I sigh sitting next to her. "One last time for old times sake," she grabbed my hands pulling me up. "I can't," I tell her. "No one has to know," she comes closer and kisses me. She then places soft kiss on my neck while putting her hands down my pants. "Come on, don't make me beg," she whispers and kisses me again. "Nigga what the fuck?" Ky said standing in the doorway. I roll my eyes while Trina smirks.

"I know damn well you're not in here about to cheat on Sav like that nigga," he walks over to the two of us. "And if he was?" Trina fold her arms. "Bitch get the fuck out of here," Ky mushed her head.

"Whatever nigga, Chris you want me to leave?" she asks. "Yeah, you need to go, Trina," I say coming back to my senses. "Fuck this shit, I don't need this. I'll go find a nigga who knows what he wants," she said slamming my front door behind her. Ky shook his head. "You really was going to fuck Katrina while you're dating Savannah? What if it was her, who walked through the door?"

"I know man I fucked up," I shake my head heading upstairs to get changed. "I'm just glad I walked in when I did," he sat on my bed. I get dressed and we head to the trap warehouse. Braxton pulls up in front of us as we get out of the car. We walk inside and see our staff packaging up our products. The girls look at us and smirk while whispering to each other. I had a rule of no fucking with staff because then they think they will get special treatment. Ky and Brax on the other hand didn't give a fuck.

We head back to our office and shut the door. "Man we need to figure out who hit our trap and shot Ken. I bet it was the same people," I said putting my feet on the desk. "Whoever the fuck it is knows where Trey lays his head down at night. It has to be someone who has someone on the inside working for us," Ky says.

I nod in agreement. "Yall think it was them niggas from the south side?" Braxton looks up from his phone. "Yeah, definitely them niggas been trying to take us out for a while," I sat up. "So how we gonna go about this?" Ky looks at both of us. "I'm thinking about taking one of their niggas, or maybe sending one of our boys over there to see what up," I say. "Nah, let's wait a little longer before we doing anything just to make sure it's really them niggas. We don't need any unnecessary war," he said reasoning. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Braxton said. "Yo this was left on our door step," one of my young workers said placing a box on the table. All three of us all look at each other. "Who gonna open it?" Braxton said as we all stared at the box. "I'll open it," the youngin said. He opened the box and there were pictures of Kennedy, Londan, and Savannah. It seemed like they were out having fun, no care no worries.

"There's a note on the back of this one," Ky said reading it outloud. "One down, two to go," he said crumbling them up. I could feel myself getting pissed of. If someone laid a hand on my girlfriend I was going to make their family pay. "Throw this shit out," I pushed the box inside. "Wait there's another picture down there," Ky pulled it out and got pissed. "It's my wife and kids," he punches the box.

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