Under the Influence

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Location: Music video

"Are you excited to shoot your first video?" Savanna comes up behind me in the bathroom. "I'm nervous as hell," I turn around and look at her. "You'll do great! I'm going to be right there with you," she says to me. "I know but I've never done anything like this before. I have to dance and stuff. What if I look silly?" I sigh. She rolls her eyes at me.

"You worry too much, you that nigga so act like it," she says and walks out of the bathroom. I laugh to myself. I turn the light out and head downstairs to the living rooms Both London and Kennedy were sitting on the couch. "What are y'all doing here?" I hug them. "We're here for moral support," Ken smiles. "Mine or Savannah's?" I ask her. "Both," London smirks.

"Please don't make fun of me," I say to them. "Why would we do that?" she asks me. "He's just really nervous and thinks he's going to embarrass himself. I told him he's going to be fine," Savannah says grabbing her purse. "Mr. Brown your car service is here," my assistant comes in. "Let's go, ladies," I say and we all leave out and get in the truck. "Babe I need help it's really high," Sav looks back at me. "Of course," I help her in and shut the door.

30 minutes later and we arrive at the shoot for the video. I had been practicing for about two weeks for this but I still didn't feel prepared for this. My palms were sweating really badly. We get escorted inside the warehouse-looking building. We head straight to my dressing room. There's a knock on the door. "Come in," I say. Carmen comes in and I immediately sigh on the inside. "Hey you," she comes over and jumps on me hugging me. "Hey, Carmen how are you?" I pull her away as politely as possible.

"I've missed you," she smiles. Savannah clears her throat while Kennedy and London look at Carmen. "Carmen this is my wife Savannah and her best friends Kennedy and London. Babe this is Carmen she chills at the studio with the guys," I introduce them. "It's nice to meet you Carmen but when you greet my husband be respectful and just hug him. I'm sure you wouldn't want some bitch you don't know just jumping on your man right?" Savannah smiles.

Carmen looks at Savannah and smirks. "Right, especially if it was Chris," she looks at me and licks her lips. Kennedy stands up and opens the door. "It's time for you to go," she says and Carmen laughs but leaves out. Savannah looks at me and I get up and walk over to her. "Right now is not the time to talk about it. Today is about you and your first video," she says to me.

I get dressed in my first outfit. "Damn you should've let me style you," London says. "Jay set all of this up," I tell her. She nods and I sigh. "We haven't even been here 20 minutes and I've upset two out of the three of you," I laugh.

"Nobody is even mad, you finish getting dressed and we will meet you out on the set," Savannah kisses my cheek and her and the girls walk out. A few minutes later I walk out and walk onto the set. "Alright and action," the director yells. I stand in the middle of the dance floor and the music starts as I pretend to be dizzy. My nervousness subsided and it started to feel natural.


I watch as Chris does a great job acting. I didn't mind the girls dancing on him. You know what I did mind though that Carmen bitch. She was sitting on the opposite side of the set intensely watching Chris. I could tell by the way she looked at him she wanted him, she wanted him badly too. I keep replaying the way she jumped all over him when she saw him today. I could tell by the way she looks at me that she didn't care that I was in the picture .

I was going to remain calm though because it's Chris' job to respect our marriage even if she didn't. Once Chris got finished his scene and came over to me sweating. I smile as he smoothly walks over with a smirk on his face. "You're doing so great!" Kennedy cheers. He looks over at her smiles. "Am I?" he asks and London nodded. His attention is back on me as he gives me a big smile. "What do you think?" he asks. I match his expression. "I'm honored to be experiencing such greatness. It looks like you were born to do this," I put my forehead to his.

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