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Time: 1 months later
Location: Atl
"Bitch it's Valentines Day. I know Chris has something real special planned for you guys," Teyana Taylor says as I do her hair for her music video. Her and Chris have become super close since he's been in the industry.

"I have no clue to be honest. I think it will be something low key because he hasn't mentioned anything," I curl her hair.

"Well how have y'all been since my niece has been born?" She asks and I stop and sigh looking at her through the mirror. "Girl, I know y'all talk and I know he tells you everything," I say.

"Yeah but I want your side. I'm your friend just as much as I'm his," she says. "I love my daughter more than I love any other human being in this world. I love that Chris loves her more than the rest of us who loves her but I miss him. I need my time with him just as much as she does. But it makes me feel silly for saying that. I don't want it to seem like I'm jealous of my daughter. When I try to explain it to him he doesn't listen to me," I sigh.

"I know you're not jealous of the baby. I used to feel the same when me and Iman had Junie. I used to be like yo what the fuck I barely see you and when I do you up under our daughter. Mommy needs some tlc too my Nigga," she says.

"He don't listen T," I finish up. "Well I know that it's Valentines Day and he has a show tonight. I'm sure tonight will be special."

She gets up from the chair and hugs me. "Thanks boo," I hug her and leave out to head to lunch with the girls. The girls are already there when I arrive. I hug them and sit down. "Happy Valentines Day!" London says smiling. I laugh at her excitement. "You're man is out of town on Valentine's Day and you're super cheery," I smirk.

"Yeah, but we will be together next week. Im not tripping off one day." She shrugs and the waitress comes over and takes our order. Once she was done they both look at me. "What?" I ask confused.

"How's things going with you and Chris?" Kennedy asks in a duh tone. I roll my eyes and sip my water. "We are not getting along," I tell them. "Did he plan anything special for tonight or have you seen him today?" London asks.

"He was sleep when I woke up. He came in late from rehearsal last night."

"How are you being mean to him or y'all both being mean?" London smirks. "We're not going out of our way to be spiteful towards each other. We don't agree on almost everything so it's more like we don't speak," I explain.

"Well what's the real issue? Why are you upset with him?"  She asks. "I had Ro and that's all he sees. He comes home and his world is surrounded by her. When I try to express my feelings he's just super dismissive about it," I tell them.

"Dismissive how?" Kennedy asks. I roll my eyes at her. "He tells me I'm being ridiculous and to cool out. Now I have an attitude which means we fight about dumb shit like leaving the seat up and coming home late. Literally yesterday we got into it about Aekos needing a new bike and he took the kids and left," I roll my eyes again.

"Well where did he go?" London asks trying not to laugh. "Bitch I don't know and I don't even care. They are his kids and the fact that he took them with him when he left was perfectly fine with me."

"Maybe your parents should move back in," Kennedy laughs. "They don't even know we've been beefing," I sigh. "Well what's wrong with the bike?" London leans in smirking.

"He needed a new bike. He's getting bigger by the day and so I took him to the store and let him pick out the one he wanted because only God knows when my husband was going to have the time to actually go and get a new one. Well Chris didn't like the bike and talked about how he ordered a custom one. I said okay well he will just have two bikes," I scrunch my face up irritated as I remember yesterday.

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