Leo and the Jasper Baby!

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Imagine that ToA never happened, Percy and Annabeth are 26, have a daughter, Zoe, she's 3, and Annabeth is 2 months pregnant. Piper and Jason are 23, married, but no kids yet, Piper is almost 9 months pregnant. Leo didn't return. Okay? Okay. Let's begin.

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Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading.

Leo POV-

This is the story of how I was found by my friends.


Third person-

"I can't wait until we get to the beach!" Percy exclaimed.

"I know right!" Piper exclaimed.

"Quiet down, both of you, Zoe is trying to nap," Annabeth scolded in a whisper.

"Wait, what?!" Jason suddenly exclaimed.

"Jason, what's wrong?" Piper asked looking worriedly at her husband. He pulled over, took his glasses off and then wiped them off his shirt as if they were fogged. He then put them on again.

"Oh my gods," He mubled, looking out of his window in disbelief.

"What's-" Percy started, looking out his window, "Oh my gods!"

A smile crept onto both of their faces. The girls were unable to see, because Annabeth was in the middle seat, and Piper was in the passenger.

"What's wrong you two?" Annabeth asked.

"Look!" Percy exclaimed, pointing out the window. Annabeth unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over Percy to see. Her jaw dropped.

"What is it?" Piper asked. Finally, she opened the car door, unbuckled, and got out to see.

"Leo?" She whispered. Across the street, was a little shop, with a big glowing sign that read Leo and Calypso's Soup and Repairs.

"Sparky, pull in over there, were giving Leo a surprise!" She ordered, climbing back in her seat. Jason listened and pulled into the shop parking lot. They walked in the doors, Percy carrying his sleeping three-year old daughter.

A latino boy was behind the desk, back facing them.

"Welcome to Leo and Calypso's! I'm-" He turned around and gasped, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"In trouble," Annabeth finished.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" Leo exclaimed, first hugging Jason. He looked at Piper and then back at Jason. He smiled.

"You're-" He started still smiling.

"Yeah," Piper said reching for Jason's hand, "I'm pregnant."

"Congrats!" He exclaimed.

He hugged her tight and then moved on to Percy and Annabeth. He looked at Zoe.

"What's her name?" He asked shocked.

"Zoe," Annabeth replied. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"We missed you," She said, pulling him into a hug. She pulled away and puched him in the gut. He groaned in agony.


They continued talking to Leo, catching up on everything.

Suddenly Piper screamed.

"What's wrong Pipes?" Jason asked, concerned for his wife.

"MY WATER BROKE!" She exclaimed. Jason fainted, hitting the ground hard. Leo laughed.

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