Untitled Part 2

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bakugo's pov

i tried to get some sleep but i couldn't i threw on my hoodie, and I went downstairs where i heard talking. i peak around the corner and see hizashi sitting on the counter with aizawa in between his legs hands on his thighs, babe hes just as bad as i was when i was his age, I feel connected to him i went through a lot of what he did, i feel like I need to help him. aizawa said. I know sho hizashi said as he put his hand on aizawa face. he leaned up and kissed him

i decided to let my presence be known.

i walk into the kitchen and aizawa gives hizashi a quick kiss before looking over to me.

oh hey katsuki i thought you were asleep, no sorry I couldn't sleep too much stuff running through my mind I said.

oh have you eaten anything today hizashi asked.

I just shook my head as I pulled my ipod from my pocket and saw i had a message from deku i smiled at it and went to sit on the couch

I opened my texting app

broccoli boi- hey is everything okay theres cop cars at your house and your not here did something happen

mcblasty- hey deku yeah something did happen. but I'm in a safe place now i had a trusted friend take me in

broccoli boi- oh okay who are you staying with I can come by and see you

hey is it okay if I tell my friend where i am or do you not want other UA students to know about you i asked them

we would prefer to keep it form the other students cause we dont want the kids to give us crap for it. aizawa said.

mcblasty- hey sorry they don't want others to know for safety reasons but i can probably meet up with you

my ipod started to ring I look at it and deku is trying to facetime me

hello deku

hey kacchan what happened

I explained everything but I made sure to emphasize that I was safe and that i was being cared for

oh katsuki baby are you okay i heard everything you know your always welcomed over here anytime inko said as she popped up on the screen.

hi mama inko yes I'm okay and I know

hey katsuki come eat i heard aizawa say

ill be right there

hey inko deku ill stop by later i gotta go

okay bye see you later kacchan

I put my ipod down and go to the kitchen i sat down at the table and saw he had made basic eggs and toast. I quickly ate.

hey would it be okay if i went to my friends house for a bit i asked both men nodded.

I got up and ran up the stairs, I quickly changed back into my binder I pulled on a black shirt with a skull on it, and a pair of black jeans. i pulled on my black vans I made my way down the stairs again,

ill be back in a few hours i told them.

hey woe wait where did you get those clothes from aizawa asked.

um from my backpack I always keep a spare change in there incase of emergency i told him.

oh okay makes sense see you later have fun he said i laughed a bit I walked out and quickly memorized where i was so knew how to get back

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