The Burrow

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The next morning we arrived at the Burrow,Fred parked the car the Garage. I was still asleep. I woke up a few minutes later to Mrs Weasley yelling. I discovered that I was in Fred's arms, lying on his shoulder. He must have picked me up in the car and carried me to the house.

Mrs Weasley was probably yelling at Ron and the twins for stealing their dad's car. I wisely decided to pretend to still be asleep. I listened to Mrs Weasley scolding them. "Leaving in the middle of the night!, car gone!, no note, you could have died, you could have been seen!" Mrs Weasley scolded them. "We had to Save Harry and Lucy Mum, they were starving them and there was Bars on their windows." Ron explained. "Well you better hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley!"Mrs Weasley replied. Ron didn't say anything. I snickered quietly at that.

Fred, who probably felt me move in his arms, then whispered in my ear.  "I know your awake Lucy, but nice call pretending to be asleep to get out of being yelled at." I just smiled, still keeping my eyes closed, but letting him know that I heard him. Thankfully he didn't rat me out. I went back to eavesdropping. "Of course I don't blame you Harry dear, or my darling Lucy." Mrs Weasley said. I chose then to pretend to wake up. I yawned, opened my eyes and said in a fake sleepy voice, "are we there yet." "Lucy darling, you're finally awake." Mrs Weasley greeted me. I turned to look at her, and jumped out of Fred's arms, and ran into hers. "Hello Mrs Weasley." I greeted her after hugging her. She looked me over,and then looked at Harry and said. "You two are too thin, You must be starving poor dears. Time for Breakfast." She said.

We went and sat down for breakfast. I noticed that Ginny wasn't here yet. Percy was already at the table completely dressed and talking about school stuff, which no one was listening to." Mrs Weasley, where is Ginny?" I asked." Oh she'll be along shortly, I couldn't get her out of bed until a few minutes before you arrived." Mrs Weasley replied. I Just laughed at that. "Yeah that girl sure can sleep." I commented. "Can I go check on her?" I asked. "Of course dear, she'll be so happy to see you." Mrs Weasley replied.

I wanted to check on Ginny, because I knew, that she wasn't up yet,she just pretended to be up and then went straight back to bed as soon as her mother left the room. How that girl is ever on time for anything, I'll never know.

I climbed the stairs, and walked to Ginny's room, the room that I shared with her last year. I opened the door without knocking and walked inside. Sure enough Ginny was fast asleep in her bed. I just shook my head.

As I  watched her sleep, I got an idea. I grinned to myself and went up to her as quietly as possible, leaned down and yelled as loud as I could. "Ginny Wake up, it's breakfast time!" in her ear. Her eyes shot open, she screamed and jumped up so fast, that she fell out of the bed on her bum. I laughed so hard, I was nearly rolling on the floor. Ginny glared at me. "That's so not funny Lucy." She said. "Yes it was." I replied. She just rolled her eyes and got up and gave me a hug.

"When did you get here?" she asked. "About 20 minutes ago, your brothers stole your dad's flying car last night and came to pick up me and Harry from the Dursleys." I replied. "Cool, I can't believe they went without me." She complained. "Well they probably couldn't wake you up, you're probably the heaviest sleeper that I have ever met." I told her. "Oh haha" she replied sarcastically. I smiled. "I missed you Gin." I told her. "I missed you too Lucy" she replied. "Now what was that I heard about breakfast earlier?" She said. I laughed and said. "Yeah, breakfast is ready and everyone is at the table, we're just waiting for you." I told her. In addition to sleeping she's also always hungry.

"Okay, let just grab my jumper and then we'll go. She went to look for her jumper on the bed, but it wasn't there, next she checked her drawer in her dresser, but it wasn't there either. Why don't you just put on your gown for now and ask your mum where it is downstairs, perhaps she washed it or something. "I suggested. She grabbed her gown and put it on, then we went downstairs to the kitchen where Mrs Weasley was busy serving breakfast."Mummy have you seen my jumper?" Ginny asked her mum. "Yes Ginny dear, it was on the cat, so I threw it in the wash." Mrs Weasley replied. We just went to go sit down when Ginny spotted Harry. "Oh dear" I thought. Ginny has such a massive crush on Harry. Harry seeing her as well, smiled at her and said "Hello."

she just froze, her eyes going wide and a blush appearing on her cheeks, then she turned around and darted back up the stairs. I followed her and as I was running up the stairs, I heard Harry ask Ron confused "What did I do?" and Ron reply "Ginny, she has a huge crush on you, she's been talking about you all summer. It's really annoying actually."

I caught up with Ginny at her bedroom, she was pacing. "Why didn't you warn me Harry was downstairs, so I could have prepared, maybe even get dressed and brush my hair." she said. I just laughed. Ginny, honey Harry really won't care if you come to breakfast in your pajamas, he's just a boy and my brother, he's not worth missing breakfast over, now come back downstairs with me." I told her. After I managed to calm her down, she insisted on getting dressed, so she quickly dressed in a t shirt and jeans and brushed her hair and teeth, then we went back downstairs and sat down.

Breakfast was a disaster, Ginny was so nervous around Harry, that she caused so many accidents. One point she knocked over a bowl, another time she accidentally stuck her hand in porridge, she spilled juice all over Percy, who yelled at her for it, which caused her to cry and Mrs Weasley scolding him. Ginny wasn't acting like herself at all. She is so brave and confident and fun, but in front of Harry she is a stuttering, blushing, accident prone, clumsy mess.

Mr Weasley came home from work in the middle of breakfast. He was working a night shift at the ministry."Morning Weasleys."He greeted all his children and gave his wife, who came to serve him breakfast a kiss on the cheek." Busy day at the Ministry dad?" Fred asked. "Yes, we had nine raids last night." He replied. Harry was confused by the raids. Ron explained to him that Mr Weasley works at the ministry, in the misuse of Muggle artifacts office, and that he loves muggles.

After answering everyone's questions, Mr Weasley spotted Harry and I. He greeted us. "Well Hello Lucy, when did you get here?" he questioned and then looked over at Harry. "You must be Harry Potter" Ron's told us so much about you." Harry greeted him politely. "We got here this morning Mr Weasley." I answered his question. Mrs Weasley then told him about the car incident. "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours all the way to Surrey and back last night." Rather than being angry Mr Weasley looked excited. "Did you really. How did it go?" Mr Weasley asked excitedly, but quickly changed his answer to "That was very wrong boys, very wrong indeed." After a scolding look from Mrs Weasley. Ginny and I both giggled at that. After he reprimanded the boys, he quickly turned to Harry and asked. "You live with muggles right? Tell me what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Harry looked confused, and didn't quite know what to say to that. I laughed and said, it's okay Harry Mr Weasley is obsessed with muggles and everything to do with them, the first day that I stayed here, he asked me how a telephone worked."

After breakfast the twins and Ron told Mrs Weasley,that they were going to to bed to sleep for a little while, but she said no, and that they had to de-gnome the garden. Ron then complained about their lack of sleep the previous night. "We didn't get any sleep last night mum." "Well You should have thought of that before you stole your father's car and stayed out all night." She replied. Harry offered to help, like the sweetheart he was. Mrs Weasley said that he didn't have to and that he could go lie down if he wanted to, but he insisted. She said the same thing to me, but I refused and told her that I would help her and Ginny in the kitchen.

That was how we spend most of the summer, me hanging out with Ginny and the twins and Harry with Ron. At one stage we all had a family quidditch game in the backyard. It was amazing.

The Burrow was home, and I couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts and discover my second home,like Harry did last year.

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