Dobby The House Elf

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The rest of the summer went far too slow. I couldn't wait for school to start so that I could finally go to Hogwarts with Harry. The summer itself wasn't terrible, the Dursleys ignored us most of the time, which was practically heaven on earth for us. On the rare occasions when Dudley remembered that we existed and tried to mess with us,Harry would just point his wand at him and mumble some kind of gibberish and Dudley would run off screaming for his mommy. We laughed our heads off. Tonight Uncle Vernon is having a colleague over for dinner, so we will be staying in our rooms pretending that we are not here. That will be relatively easy to do since we want to be anywhere but here. We are currently sitting in Harry's room. Harry is talking to Hedwig his owl, trying to get her to quiet down, she's been couped up in her cage all summer and she's getting irritable because she can't fly and stretch her wings. I'm lying on Harry's bed reading a few of his textbooks that I managed to snatch from his trunk before the Dursleys locked it up in the broom cupboard with a padlock on the door. I've been been teaching myself some basic spells from his charms textbook and I read his potions textbook and started memorizing a few things, since Harry told me that the potions professor is really mean and he likes to ask the students questions from the textbook on the first day and then criticize them if they don't know the answer. I wasn't planning on letting a teacher make a fool out of me on the first day and I actually found the subject quite fascinating. Hedwig just graduated from from being restless to screeching and rattling the cage. Uncle Vernon heard it and called us downstairs. I quickly put the book away under Harry's pillow and we walk downstairs. "Yes Uncle Vernon." Harry said when we got downstairs. "Keep that Ruddy bird quiet." Uncle Vernon told Harry. "She's bored. If I could just let her out for an hour or two."Harry suggested."And Risk you sending letters to those freaky little friends of yours. Not a chance." Uncle Vernon replied. "I haven't gotten any letters from any of my friends." Harry said. "Who would want to write to You." Dudley commented. "I could ask the same thing of you Dudley, you don't have any real friends, just a bunch of idiots who follow you around because they're either too dumb or too scared to do anything for themselves." I told him. "Mom Lucine is being mean to me." Dudley cried. "Lucine stop bullying your poor cousin."Aunt Petunia scolded me. I just rolled my eyes. Uncle Vernon reminded us again that he has important people coming over."This might be the most important dinner of my career, everything must go smoothly. Let's go over everyone's roles again. Petunia where will you be?" Uncle Vernon asked her. "I will be in the lounge waiting to welcome them graciously into our home."She said excitedly." "very good." Vernon answered proudly. "Dudley where will you be?" He asked Dudley."I'll be waiting to open the door. Can I take. Your coat Mrs Mason?." Dudley role played speaking in a posh voice. "Oh my duddikins, what a little gentleman." Aunt Petunia fussed. Uncle Vernon turned to us. "Where will you two be?" He asked in a threatening voice. "We will be in our rooms, making no noise and pretending that we don't exist." Harry answered. "Very good" Uncle Vernon said. We were given a quick supper in the kitchen and then shooed upstairs. When we got back to Harry's room there was a strange creature jumping on his bed. It was three feet tall, had this large ears and tennis ball size green eyes, a pretty big head and a small body. It was wearing what looked like a pillowcase. It stopped jumping when it saw us. "Harry Potter such an honor it is " the creature said to Harry in awe. "Who and what are you?" I asked It. "Dobby miss, Dobby the house elf."The creature answered."Okay, Dobby the house elf, what are you doing in my brother's bedroom?" I asked. "Yeah, not to be rude, but now really isn't  a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom." Harry added. "Dobby understands sir and miss, but Dobby has come to tell you something, it is difficult sir and miss and Dobby wonders where to begin." Dobby said. "Why don't you sit down." Harry suggested,then the creature started bawling it's eyes out. "Dobby be quiet." I told it. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything." Harry said to it. "Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your greatness sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal." The creature named Dobby said. I actually felt quite bad for him. What kind of wizards does he deal with, that won't even ask him to sit down I wondered." We'll you can't have met many decent wizards then." Harry told him. "No, I haven't." Dobby answers,but then he says "That was an awful thing to say." and he starts to bang his head against Harry's dresser and calling himself bad Dobby. This house elf is not right in the head. He's making a lot of noise. Harry tried to get him to stop, because the noise will attract uncle Vernon's attention. After a few seconds Harry finally got him to stop. "Dobby had to punish himself sir, Dobby almost spoke ill of his family." Your family?" Harry asked."Yes sir, the wizard family that Dobby serves. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they ever found out Dobby was here..., but Dobby had to come sir Dobby has to protect Harry Potter, to warn him. Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry this year. There is a plot, a plot to make terrible things happen." Dobby said."What terrible things, whose plotting them?"Harry asked. Dobby started freaking out saying that he can't say." Okay I understand you can't say. "Harry started saying, maybe trying to phrase his question differently,but Dobby just freaked out and started hitting himself on the head with a lamp and making noises. Harry is trying to take the lamp from him and get him to stop hitting himself, but he was struggling. "Give me the lamp." Harry said while he was prying the lamp out of Dobby's hands. It was very entertaining to watch. He finally managed to take the lamp from Dobby, then he picked Dobby up by his pillowcase and shoved him into the closet, and told him to be quiet just before Uncle Vernon barges into the room, fuming. "What the devil are you doing up here!" Uncle Vernon yelled. "You ruined the punchline of my Japanese golfer joke." Uncle Vernon said. While uncle Vernon was yelling Dobby kept on trying to get out of the cupboard,and Harry had to keep pushing the closing the cupboard door. "One more sound, and you'll wish you've never been born boy!"Uncle Vernon yelled, while Harry was pushing the cupboard door closed again. Uncle Vernon then looked at the door and said "And fix that door." before leaving. "Yes sir." Harry replied. After Uncle Vernon left Harry let Dobby out of the cupboard. "Now you see why I've got to go back. I don't belong here, I belong in your world, at Hogwarts, it's the only place where I've got friends." Harry told Dobby. "Friends who don't even write to Harry Potter." Dobby replied. I was confused about that, how would he know if Harry's friends wrote to him or not. Harry started saying some excuse, then he paused realising that Dobby couldn't possibly know that. "Hang on, how do you know that my friends haven't been writing to me?" Harry questioned him. Dobby then pulled out a stack of letters and looked quilty. "Harry Potter mustn't be angry at Dobby. Dobby hoped that if Harry Potter thought that his friends had forgotten him that Harry Potter might not want to go back to school." Dobby explained. Harry looked angry. "Give me those now." Harry ordered Dobby,and tried to grab the letters from him. "No!" Dobby screeched and dodged Harry, then he ran out the door and down the stairs. Harry and I chased after him. When we reached the bottom of the stairs Dobby was standing in the doorway of the lounge looking at the cake that aunt Petunia had baked for the Masons. "Dobby get back here." Harry whisper yelled at Dobby. Dobby snapped his fingers and the cake started floating in midair. We were horrified. Uncle Vernon will kill us if we mess up his dinner party. "Dobby no" Harry said. Dobby just looked at Harry and said "Harry Potter must say that he is not going back to school." " I can't Hogwarts is my home." Harry replied. "Then Dobby must Do it sir for Harry Potter's own good."Dobby replied. He snapped his fingers again and the cake started floating towards the Masons. Harry started going after it trying to catch the cake, but he was too late, just as he reached for the cake, Dobby dropped it on Mrs Mason's head. He then snapped his fingers and disappeared. Uncle Vernon apologized to the Masons and said some excuse about meeting Strangers upsetting Harry. The Masons left and I ran upstairs and waited for Harry to return in his room. Harry came to join me a few minutes later, letters in hand. Uncle Vernon was furious and will probably find a way to keep us from going to Hogwarts. Looks like Dobby got his wish.

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