Dementors at Quidditch and Chocolate breakfast with Remus

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The next Day was The first Quidditch match of the season between Griffindor and Hufflepuff. The Girls and I were all very excited. I couldn't wait to see Cedric and Harry play. Ella supported Hufflepuff of course, since it was her house and her brother playing. Ginny supported Griffindor, both because it was her house and her crush playing, She has gotten much better around Harry,she wasn't clumsy and blushing and stuttering anymore, not that she interacts with him much, but when she does she behaves normally around him. Astoria is neutral,since neither was her house and she didn't really know Harry and Cedric very well and was mostly there to support Ella and I. Luna was the same. I supported Griffindor since Harry was my brother, but I wouldn't be upset if Hufflepuff won.

We were in the stands, and the game was going well, both teams were playing great, when it started raining, which Astoria got upset about because it was ruining her hair and makeup. Thankfully the teacher's put a barrier up over the stands to keep the rain out and dried us off. The players unfortunately were not so lucky, but they kept playing.
Harry just had trouble with his glasses getting wet and blurring his vision at one point,but Hermione had a spell ready as always, and charmed them to repell water.

The game was going strong and at one point Harry spotted the snitch and started chasing after it, with Cedric shortly on his heels, when suddenly the air got colder and I started feeling sad and dizzy. I realised there were dementors at the Game and a few seconds later Harry fell off his broom and was approaching the ground with a frightening speed, If someone didn't do something fast Harry would fall to his death. I felt dizzy like I was going to pass out any second. I was vaguely aware of Ginny and Astoria putting their arms around my waist to catch me if I do pass out and Luna and Ella looking concerned and asking if I was alright, then Professor Dumbledore cast a patronus and sent the dementors away and I managed to gain control of myself again and saw Professor Dumbledore casting a spell to slow down Harry's fall and catch him before he hit the ground and Cedric catching the snitch before realising what was going on. Professor Dumbledore took Harry to the Hospital wing and I quickly followed with the girls in tow.

Madame Pomfrey gave him a quick once over and said that he was fine, nothing was broken and his vitals were fine, he just needs to wake up. The Griffindor Quiddich team along with Ron and Hermione came in a few minutes later, Ron looking very grim and carrying a bag with something in it. "What have you got there Ron?"I asked him. He just winced and came over and showed me. It was Harry's broom that he got from Professor McGonagall in his first year. It was completely destroyed,in tiny pieces and splinters. " oh no, what happened to it?" I asked Ron concerned. Harry loved that broom. "After He fell, the wind blew it into the womping willow. I salvaged what I could, thought maybe there's a way to fix it." Ron answered Hopefully, but he knew as well as I that the broom was beyond repair. "Oh poor Harry he's going to be so dissapointed. For the next few minutes we all sat next to Harry's bed until he woke up.

Fred and George came to stand by us at the foot of the bed along with Ron. Ron then "brilliantly" decided to to say that Harry,who literally passed out from Dementors sucking the happiness from him and fell a hundred feet, looked a bit peaky. I turned around and looked at Ron in astonishment "Ron do you think before you talk or do you just say the first thing that comes to mind?"I asked him. " Yeah Ron he fell a hundred feet,what do you expect" George added. Fred chimed in "Lets pitch you off the Astronomy tower and see what you look like." I snorted. Just then Harry decided to wake up and joked "Probably a right side better than he normally does." I smiled. "At least you didn't loose your sense of humor in the fall brother." I told Harry. He laughed and sat up. "What happened?"He asked. "There was a Dementors at the game" Ron started. I just rolled my eyes "Thanks Captain obvious." I told him. Harry continued "Yeah,no kidding. I meant the game,who won?" We all looked at each other wondering how to break it to him. Hermione started by telling him that no one blamed him and the Dementors weren't supposed to come that close to the school and how furious Dumbledore was, which didn't answer Harry's question, sort of gave it away by her beating around the bush. In the end the twins told him how Cedric caught the snitch before realising what happened to Harry and in his sweet noble Cedric way apologized and offered Oliver Wood a rematch, but Oliver declined, understanding that Cedric won fair and square. Eventually the topic of Harry's broom came up and Ron showed him his broom and told him what happened with the womping Willow. Poor Harry was devastated. Madame Pomfrey came in a little while later and told Harry to stay in the infirmary over the weekend since she is is concerned about the effects the Dementors have on him. Thank goodness she didn't know about me nearly passing out or else she might've kept me here too. Eventually she shooed us out claiming Harry needs rest, so we all left and went our separate ways. I told the girls to go on by themselves that I was going to go see Remus since He should probably be awake by now. I wanted to see how he was doing after the full moon last night.

I decided to take a detour to the kitchen on my way to see Remus. Fred and George told me how to get into the Kitchens during the times they were following meknow around. I went into the kitchen and was instantly greeted by a bunch of house elves asking what they can do for me. I told them to make a big breakfast fit for two people with everything in chocolate. Chocolate pancakes with chocolate Syrup, Chocolate waffles with chocolate Ice cream and syrup, Chocolate jumbo muffins with chocolate chips, coco pops with chocolate milk and chocolate pronutro,with chocolate sprinkles and two large mugs of hotchocolate with cream. I waited a few minutes while they prepared it and put it on a tray for me. I thanked them and left the kitchen and walked to Remus's office.

I knocked on the door to his room. He opened up after a few seconds. He was wearing pajamas,Slippers and a large comfy Sweater. His hair was a bit messy and he looked tired. He brightened up immediately when he saw me and a smile lit up his face. "Lucy, what a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here darling?"He asked. I smiled back and held up the tray for him to see. " I wanted to see how you were doing after last night, and I brought you breakfast. I know how much you love chocolate and how it always makes you feel better, so I got you chocolate everything from the kitchen." I said smiling. He just looked at me like I was the most amazing thing on the planet. He just shook his head and stepped aside and let me into the room. I sat the tray down on his coffee table and we sat together on the couch. I handed Remus a plate filled with some of everything and grabbed myself a plate. "How are you doing Remus?" I asked him. " I'm alright, just tired.I'll be fine and back in class by Monday." He said. "Good, cause I think Professor Snape is is trying to expose you, he gave everyone an essay about how to identify a werewolf when he subbed for you in DADA on Friday." I told him. He just sighed and gave me a smile and said not to worry that we won't need to do it. "Too bad,I'm fairly certain that Hermione has already done hers." I laughed, "and most likely Percy as well." We laughed. We spent the entire rest of the day like that just talking and laughing and eating chocolate breakfast until we were both practically covered in chocolate and couldn't eat anymore. When curfew rolled around and I had to go back to my common room, Remus grabbed a coat and walked me to my common room. I had to admit that I quite liked him walking me to my common room every evening, It was so sweet and old fashioned. I knew it was partially for my safety because of Sirius Black and the Dementors, but Remus was also a gentleman and he wanted to do nice things for me. The thought gave me butterflies. When we arrived at my common room I answered the riddle and the door opened Remus told me goodnight and thanked me for the breakfast and for spending the day with him and kissed me on the forehead. I said goodnight to him and quickly darted into the common room before he could see me blush. That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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