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After Harry and I decided that the letter was just some prank we started talking about Harry's birthday, which is in a few hours and how we wish our parents were alive to celebrate it with us. The Dursleys probably forgot about his birthday. We talked about how badly we wish someone would come and rescue us and take us far away from the Dursleys. We talked about how amazing it would be if that letter was real, but we decided that it was too good to be true. Miricles doesn't happen to people like us, ordinary kids who lost their parents in a car crash. We talked and made up stories and laughed quietly, so we wouldn't wake up Dudley until about 10 minutes before midnight, then we decided to draw Harry's birthday cake in the dust on the floor, when we finished, Dudley's watch showed it was a minute past midnight, it was officially Harry's 11th birthday. "Happy birthday Harry,blow out your candles and make a wish." I told him. He smiled and blew out the candles we drew on the cake in the dust. Just then someone banged loudly on the door as if they were trying to break it down. The noise woke up the Dursleys who came scurrying into the living room. Uncle Vernon with a rifle aunt petunia hiding behind him Dudley cowering somewhere. Harry and I quickly ran and hid around the corner. After a few seconds the door really did break off of its hinges and fell on the floor. I was peeking around the corner while holding Harry's hand very tightly. A very large man came in. He was so huge, he must have been altleast 8 or 9 feet tall. He came in through the opening where the door used to be, he looked down at the door on the floor and then at the Dursleys and apologized. "Sorry about that, I guess I don't know my own strength." he said, he had a Scottish accent I think. He then picked up the door and tried to put it back on its hinges but the hinges were torn off, so he just put the door upright next to the opening. Uncle Vernon then pointed the rifle at him and started yelling about how he was breaking and entering. The giant rolled his eyes and said "oh Dry up Dursley you great prune." to uncle Vernon and bend his rifle like it was made of paper or something. Uncle Vernon just looked scared and didn't say anything else. Then the giant turned to Dudley. "Hello Harry, I haven't seen you since you were a baby, you're a little rounder than I expected, and where is that sister of yours?" the giant said to Dudley thinking that he was Harry. Dudley managed to stutter out that he wasn't Harry. Harry then took my hand we stepped out of the corner. Harry then announced that he was Harry. The giant's face sofend at the sight of us. He actually didn't look very scary, but kind and gentle like a very large teddy bear. "of course you are." the giant told Harry. He then turned to me. "You must be Lucine, you we're a tiny baby the last time I saw you." he said smiling at me. I smiled back feeling safe and comforted around him. "yeah i am, but you can just call me Lucy." I replied. Alright then Lucy. "Harry I have something for you,i think I may have sat on it at some point, but it'll taste fine just the same."the giant told Harry and gave him a box. Harry opened the box and saw a chocolate cake with green icing and Happy birthday Harry written in pink icing. "Thanks."Harry said excitedly since no one has ever made or bought a cake for him beefore. Hagrid also pulled out one of Harry's prank letters Harry and I looked confused because we didn't understand. The letters came from him. That meant that the letters weren't a prank they were real. Harry read his letter out loud as if for the first time. Harry asked the giant who he was. He said his name was Rubeus Hagrid and he was the keeper of gates and keys at this Hogwarts, the school harry was accepted to. "you two probably know all about Hogwarts of course. Hagrid said. "Sorry no we answered at the same time." Hagrid was very surprised about this. "Haven't you guys ever wondered where your parents learned it all?"He asked. "Learned what?" we answered confused. "you're a wizard Harry, and you're a witch Lucy, and pretty good ones I bet." Hagrid replied. "You've just got to be trained up a little."Hagrid said. To say we we're shocked was an understatement, we can't be a wizard and a witch, it's just not possible." Harry then voiced my thoughts. "Have either of ever done anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or sad or scared?" Hagrid asked. I thought about Harry and the snake at the zoo, that time at school when we ended up on the roof when some kids were bullying us. When Harry's hair grew back after aunt petunia cut it. When the mean girl at my school's hair fell out when she teased me and a bunch of other things. We realised we really were a witch and a wizard. Uncle Vernon then broke out of his fear induced psralisation and said that Harry isn't going to that school, that they swore when they took us in they would put a stop to all this. I realised that they knew. "You knew!" I yelled at them. "you knew all this time and never told us.!" I shouted. "of course we knew" aunt Petunia answered. "How could you not be, my perfect sister being who she was." she said with venom. "My parents were so proud the day she got her letter." "we, have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful." she said sarcastically. "I was the only one who saw her for what she was a freak!" Ant Petunia said with disgust. I realised that she was extremely jealous of our mum,"then she met that Potter and had you both. "I knew you'd both be the same, just as strange, just as abnormal,and then she went and gotten herself blown up, and I got landed with the both of you." Ant Petunia finished. By this point I was seething and so was Harry. She told us our parents died in a car crash. Harry voiced my thoughts before I could speak them."A car crash killed, Lily and James Potter.!" Hagrid exclaimed, as if the very idea of a car crash killing them was the most scandalous thing he has ever heard. He told Vernon that Harry will go to Hogwarts. Uncle Vernon argued with him about it, he didn't want to let Harry go. Hagrid told uncle Vernon that he couldn't stop him sarcasticly and called him a muggle. Hagrid explained that was what wizards called non magic people. While we were all busy arguing Dudley decided to dig into Harry's cake that was on the table. When Hagrid saw him he took out a pink umbrella and jinxed Dudley with a pink pigs tail. That was really funny. The Dursleys freaked out and took their son and went back to their room. Hagrid said that we would leave to get Harry's things tomorrow. Hagrid sunk into the couch, and used his umbrella to light the fire and went to sleep. Harry and i still couldn't believe everything that happened, but we lied down on the floor in front of the fire and fell asleep safe and warm.

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