The Fat Lady dissappears and Spending the night in the Great Hall

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Harry and I walked together arm in arm, Happier and lighter than we've been for a while. Well Harry was still a bit sour about missing the Hogsmeade trip. "Oh cheer up Harry, it's not the end of the world, there will be other trips, and I'm sure Professor McGonagall will let you go, when the whole Sirius Black situation is resolved and if not, I'm sure Fred and George can find some way to sneak you in" I laughed. He did smile a bit at that.

After arriving at the great hall for the Halloween feast, We split up and went to go sit by our friends. I joined the girls, and we went to sit at the Hufflepuff table. Cedric just returned from Hogsmeade and He got Ella and I each a little goody bag filled with a bunch of sweets from Honeydukes, a few items from Zonko's the joke shop that he thought we each would enjoy, a rainbow quill that doesn't require any ink and a new sketch book for Ella, a copy of Quiddictch through the ages for me, he thought maybe I could use it to practice over the summer for tryouts next year, a little silver necklace with a raven pendant, because I'm a ravenclaw and bead bracelets for both of us. "Aw, Cedric these are so thoughtful, thank you." I told him. He smiled at us and said "Anything for my little sisters." Ginny just looked at us and shook her head. "You two are so lucky, I have 6 brothers  and I don't think any of them would do this for me. Ron likes Harry more than me, Fred and George would only give me gifts and sweets to prank me. Percy likes to pretend he's an only child and ignores everyone, and Bill and Charlie have their own lives and are never home to pay attention to me." She pouts. I just laughed, "Yeah Cedric definitely is one of a kind." I said "Though Harry can also be quite caring when he wants to be." I said thinking about how sweet he was with the whole Remus situation. "Yeah, Lucy your even luckier, you have two older brothers who dote on you, I have Daphne and she's too busy with her boyfriend and her friends to pay attention to me" Astoria said as well. I laughed and talked to Cedric a bit. "How's Quidditch going Ced?, I hear Draco Malfoy is using his ridiculous "injury" that he got from the Hippogriff to get out of Quidditch, so the 1st game of the season is Griffindor and Hufflepuff. Do you think you stand a chance of beating my brother?"I asked smiling. "It's good,we're practicing hard, and I honestly don't know, Harry is very good, but well play our best band whoever wins, wins." He replied

After the feast ended we all went up to our common rooms, but we were barely there a few minutes, when our head of house professor Flitwick came and told all of us to grab what we need for the night, a blanket and a pillow and whatever else and leave the common room, because apparently Sirius Black is somewhere in the castle, He tore up the fat lady's portrait, now the whole school is spending the night in the Great Hall.

Sirius is in the castle,I wonder what he wants, since I don't believe that he's here to kill Harry. I  wonder if there's a way to find him and talk to him, find out exactly what his deal is and maybe help him, but that probaby won't happen,since no teacher in their right mind is going to let Harry and I out of their sight, for a good long while after this, especially not tonight.

I quickly grabbed my pillow and my duvet of my bed and went to the great Hall with the rest of the Ravenclaws.

The Great Hall was completely transformed, the tables and chairs were gone, and instead there were a bunch of sleeping bags on the floor in rows. After everyone was in the Hall and accounted for, Dumbledore magically locked it.

We all went and chose our sleeping bags, Ginny and I chose spots next to Harry and the trio, Ella and Astoria chose spots next to their siblings and Luna chose one closest to the window,so she can look at the sky. After a bit of chatting we had to go to sleep, I was still awake when I heard professor Dumbledore and professor Snape talking,saying that they couldn't find Black anywhere in the castle. Professor Snape suggested to Dumbledore that someone might be hiding him and helping him in and out of the castle. I hope he doesn't mean Remus, because he would never endanger the students if he believed Sirius was guilty, which I know for a fact that he does. I did not like the way Professor Snape was behaving towards Remus, he and I are going to need to have a sometime soon, and he's going to get a serious talking to about his behavior. I fell asleep soon afterwards.

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