Diagon Alley

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The next morning when Hagrid woke up, we left on the little boat back to the main land. We walked into town and took a taxi to London. Hagrid said that is where we were going to buy Harry's school supplies. Harry took out his list of school supplies, which was all very weird and didn't sound like anything we're going find in a regular London school supply shop. "Can we get all of this in London?" Harry asked Hagrid, voicing my thoughts. "If you know where to look." Hagrid answered. He took us too this little pub in a neighborhood where there didn't seem to be any people and for good reason, the place looked run down and dirty. The pubs name was The Leaky Cauldron. It was definitely a Wizarding pub or something, it was probably in this scetchy neighborhood to keep humans or muggles as they call them away. We went inside and my suspicions were confirmed. Everyone was dressed in robes and witches hats and doing magic of some kind, like stirring their tea with magic or reading newspapers that have moving pictures. The man working at the bar reconised Hagrid and greeted him. He asked him if he wanted his usual. Hagrid must come here a lot if the bartender knows his usual drink and meal. "No thanks Tom, I'm taking young Harry here and his sister to get his school supplies." Hagrid answered. When Hagrid said Harry's name everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him,then everyone started coming up to him, shaking his hand and welcoming both of us back. Hagrid then introduced us to this stuttering man named Quirell and said he was going to be Harry's Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher. He stuttered out a greeting to both of us. I thought that there was something not right about him, how can he be a defense teacher if he is scared of his own shadow. After that we went out back to a brick wall. Harry wanted to know why he was famous and why everyone knew his name. I was kind of wondering that myself, but Hagrid wouldn't tell us. He tapped the wall and the bricks parted forming a doorway. Inside there was this street with tons of shops with Wizarding things in them, like brooms and cauldrons and a bunch of other stuff that I didn't know. There were owls and wizards and witches of all ages everywhere. I wonder why there are so many owls. wherever there   are wizards and witches, there seem to be owls. When Harry's thousands of letters arrived at the house, there were always owls outside. Maybe wizards keep them as pets or maybe they use them to deliver mail or something like messenger pigeons in the 12th century. I decided to ask Hagrid. "Hagrid, why do wizards and witches always have owls with them?" "are they like pets or do they deliver mail or something?." I asked. "Yes, Lucy they do deliver the mail, but wizards and witches keep them as pets as well." Hagrid answered. "Wow that's awesome." "wizards and witches are fascinating." I said. Hagrid just chuckled at the amazement on my face. There was a lot of things on Harry's supply list, and Harry was worried about how he was going to pay for all of it since uncle Vernon said that he won't pay for his school. When he asked Hagrid he said that we're going to Gringots Wizarding bank,where we will get money. When we got there we saw that it was run by Goblins. We went up to the goblin that seemed to be in charge and Hagrid told him that Harry wanted to make a withdrawal. I didn't understand how Harry could make a withdrawal, because as far as I understood it you needed to have money in an account in the bank in order to make a withdrawal, and I was pretty sure that Harry didn't have any money in a magical bank, but maybe our parents did and they left it for us. If they were wizards  and had wizard jobs and there is a wizard bank, maybe they left money for us in it knowing that one day we would need it. The Goblin then asked for Harry's key. Hagrid dug it out of his pocket after searching for a while and emptying it on the counter. I understand why he took so long to find the key, he had a ton of useless stuff in his pockets. He handed the goblin Harry's key and put the other stuff back in his pockets. After the Goblin looked the key over to make sure it is authentic he called another goblin, gave him the key and told him to take us to the vaults. We followed the goblin to what looked like a mine shaft combined with a roller-coaster. In front of us stood a mine cart, the kind that they use to transport coal in human coal mines,but this looks more like a roller-coaster ride than anything else. Hagrid told us to get in, Harry climbed in first, then he held out his hands to help me in. I took his hands and climbed into the cart and sat down next to Harry. Hagrid climbed in after us and sat down on the seat opposite of us. The Goblin then climbed in and pushed the leaver down, making the cart ride really fast down the tracks. It was like a roller-coaster from hell. When we finally stopped Hagrid and the goblin got out no problem. Harry got out a few minutes after them and then he helped me out. I was still a little wobbly, but I regained my composure quickly. We were at our family vault. Hagrid handed the goblin the key and he unlocked the door. Inside there were mountains of gold coins, silver coins and brons coins. Hagrid said that the gold coins were called galleons and they were worth the most, the silver coins were called Sickles they were worth less than the galleons but more than the bronze coins which were called knuts. "You didn't think your parents would leave you with nothing, now did you?" Hagrid asked us. "Hagrid, until we met you we didn't know anything about our parents except for their names and that they died in a car crash, which turned out to be a lie, so we didn't know what to think of them, but I guess not." I told him. Harry took a pouch and filled it with a bunch of knuts and Sickles and a couple of galleons. After that we made a quick stop at another vault, that had nothing in it except a tiny package. We climbed back into the roller-coaster mine cart and went back out the main entrance. We went to a bunch of shops and bought Harry a cauldron and scales at a potions shop, and we went to a book shop to buy his school books, I looked around at all the books about magic. I didn't want to leave yet, so they told me that they would get Harry's wand and robes while I look around some more. While I was browsing, a family of red headed people came in. There was only one girl between all the boys except for their mother. She looked around my age. I heard her ask her mum if she could look around by herself for a little while. Her mother agreed and told her not to go to far. She came to the same section as me. When she saw me she smiled and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Ginny Weasley, what's your name? She asked me. I smiled back" It's nice to meet you Ginny, my name is Lucy Potter." i answered. "Potter, are you related to Harry Potter?" she asked. "yes, he is my older brother." I told her. "cool." she answered. Me and Ginny instantly clicked, I found out that she has six older brothers, she is the youngest and the only girl. We became best friends. We chatted until her mum came to get her. Her mum is so nice. I instantly loved her, I met her older brother Ron who was also nice and her older twin brothers, Fred and George I loved them they were so funny. A few minutes after they left Hagrid and Harry came to pick me up. Hagrid bought Harry this beautiful snowy owl for his birthday,and since my birthday is in a few weeks, he bought me a snow white kitten with ice blue eyes exactly like mine. I loved her. We were finished in Diagon Alley so we went back to the Leaky Cauldron for lunch.

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