Placed under Surveillance and Conversation With Snape

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After the Attack on the Griffindor portrait and the night in the Great Hall, I found that nobody seemed to want to let Harry and to a lesser extent me out of their sight, teacher's found excuses to escort Harry to and from lessons and I also saw that there was always a teacher in whatever room or hallway I seemed to be in. Remus also seemed to keep an eye on me during lessons and asking me to stay with him after classes and would escort me back to Ravenclaw Tower every evening and sometimes even walk me to breakfast if my friends weren't up yet. It was adorable in the beginning, but it was starting to get a little annoying, like I couldn't do anything by myself anymore. I didn't say anything about it to him,because I knew he was worried and wanted to protect me. I soon found that when Remus or a professor wasn't around the twins started to find excuses to hang out with me, and would follow me around and talk my ear off. I suspected Molly Weasley was behind this since Percy has also been following Harry around like a freakin gaurd dog. It was starting to get seriously annoying.

Tonight is the full moon and Remus is ill today, so he can't follow me around, so the twins are currently talking my ear off about some prank or secret passageway or something,and I am starting to get annoyed. "Boys, did your mother tell you to follow me around or something?"I asked them. They looked a bit guilty then said "Yes she did, after she heard about Sirius Black breaking into the castle,she wrote to us and Percy and told him to follow Harry around and us to keep an eye on you."Fred said. "Well as much as I enjoy your company, I need my space and I really don't think Sirius Black is going to jump out behind a pillar and attack me, and even if he did two 15 year old wizards are not going to be able to stop him." I told them. "I know you're mother told you to follow me, but she's not going to know if you do or not,besides you two never listen to her anyway."I continued. "We care about you Lucy." George started "And want to protect you." Fred continued . "Even if it means listening to our Mother." They finished together laughing. I just rolled my eyes at their antics and continued walking to class with them trailing behind me. I had to nearly shoo them away when I arrived at DADA class, otherwise they probably would've sat in on my class and use it as an excuse to get out of their own one. They just kissed both my cheeks and said that they would see me later before leaving and I swatted them. I just smiled and went into class and took my seat next to Ella. Since Remus is sick today another professor will probably sub for today. After a few minutes the doors flew open and professor Snape strutted in dramatically, his robe flying behind him and he pulled down the blinds on the windows with magic as he went. I just watched him in amusement trying very hard not to laugh until he stopped in front of the class and said said without even greeting the class or explaining to us that he was substituting for Remus or anything "Turn to page 500 in the bonus chapter of your text books" I bit my lip to keep from laughing while I opened my book and looked for the correct page. My laughter tied immediately as soon as I saw what the chapter was about "Werewolves" more specifically how to spot one. I started getting angry,because he is basically trying to out Remus. He spent the lesson talking about Werewolves and their characteristics and by the end of the lesson he gave us all an essay for homework about how to spot a werewolf,the signs and symptoms. I was fuming. As soon as class was over he left again. I spent the rest of the day just getting through my other lessons and at the end of the day told Ginny that I was going to see professor Snape and to tell Fred and George that their services were not needed that afternoon.

I walked down the hall the dungeons and burst into Snape's office not even bothering to knock and just yelled "Severus Snape, how dare you!"

3d person pov
Severus Snape sat in his office grading papers as he usually does at this time of day, when his office door flew open. He looked up to see who burst into his office without knocking,only to see a very angry looking Lucine Potter. Before he could even register why she looked angry or get a word out to ask her what was wrong she was yelling at him. "Severus Snape how dare you!" She must be seriously angry at him if she's yelling at him and calling him Severus Snape. She has never once called him his full name,she almost always calls him either professor or occasionally Sev,but never his full name and she has certainly never yelled at him, even though they are friends,she usually shows him respect since he is still her teacher after all, so he must've done something very wrong. He had a feeling that it had something to do with Lupin and the essay, since she is his mate, something that he does not like very much. He already lost her mother to one of those hooligans and now he's going to loose her to one of them as well.

Lucine's pov

He looked up at me surprised when I entred yelling. "Lucy what is this about?" He asked me, but I had a feeling that he already knew. "Oh you know full well what you did. The essay,the lesson on werewolves that is not in Remus's lesson plans. It's not even in the 2nd year syllabus, it's a bonus chapter for after we complete exams to get a sneak peak for next year, yet you gave us a 3d year lesson and homework. You are trying to expose him. Why?" I asked angrily.

"Because I cannot stand him and want him out of here, I cannot stand the sight of him. Him,James Potter and Black used to strut around this school,like they owned the place, and your father and Black were bullies,and Lupin just stood by and did nothing. Plus he is most likely helping Black into this castle. He is also a werewolf,a dangerous creature and with this whole mate businesses he is taking you away from me." He answered annoyed.

I just stood there shocked for a minute. That was a lot to take in, I knew my dad and his friends were pranksters like Fred and George,and didn't much care for the rules,but I never expected bullying. Though I don't think severus was entirely innocent either, bullying is still wrong. They must've grown out of it eventually,since I don't think Dumbledore would make James head boy if he was a spoiled brat and a bully and my mom certainly wouldn't have agreed to date him if he was. No matter what happened in the past, Remus has done nothing to him now and does not deserve to loose his job over something he can't control and because his friends were bullies when they were 15 years old. "Severus I understand that you are mad at James and Sirius, but for one it was 18 years ago, I'm sure that they grew up and one of them is dead and the other,well I don't know what is going on with him,but still it was a long time ago,get over it. Also no matter your feelings for my father and Black,Remus has done nothing to you and he can't control his actions during the full moon, he would never hurt anyone if he could help it, and does not deserve to loose his job because his friends bullied you when they were children or because of a condition that he can't control. Yes we are mates, and he would never endanger me by letting Black into this castle if there was even the possibility that he would hurt me or anyone else for that matter. He is not going to take me away from you, you are my friend and you are like a father too me,something that I never had since mine died when I was 4 months old. I love you sev and I would never leave you." I told him. He just stood up and hugged me. He didn't acknowledge any of the other stuff I said but he did say that he loved me too and also considered me the daughter he never had. I hoped he would take what I said into consideration and lay off Remus,but I didn't think that that was likely to happen.

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